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Need help loading dashboard


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I'm trying to load the beta dashboard shown here.


I have the UD version running, but I'd like to try the beta version.


I have looked at the directory and see all the versions, but I do not know how to get them to load and execute.


There are no .exe or install files so how do I go about it


I have NO Java, PLC, or Ajax, only some "basic"  and a lot of old z80 .asm experience


I'm using windows 7. My ISY-994i is working fine with the explorer, UD Dash board and admin console.


I just can't find how to start. I read the thread on "Getting the latest HAD release" but just can't get started.


I would appreciate some help.





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Hello Grizzly,


I would suggest to use the latest release found in the SDK, not the beta version.


How to get it:

Go to: http://www.universal-devices.com/developers/wsdk/


Navigate to the latest release (e.g. 4.2.18), and find the file named "ISY-WSDK-4.2.18.zip


In that Zip file, there is a folder named "UDAjax-HAD", you will then find an archive named had4242custom.zip. This is what you are looking for; The customizable version of HAD.


There is no executable, this is a web application, with html, javascript and css files. It needs to be installed on a web server, either on your own web server or ISY itself.


To host it on ISY:

you need to have the networking module.


If you do, here's instructions to install a custom web application:



However, HAD is meant to be customized. Each time you make a change, this means you have to transfer some files to ISY. If you have limited or no web development skills, you may find the deployment process cumbersome. Personnally, I prefer to host it on a separate web server. At least, during the time you learn and make changes. ISY is a good place to put your final version, if you don't want to keep a separate web server up and running.


To host it on another web server:

You can use just about any web server. Personnally, I run this from my QNAP NAS, It has an Apache web server. But that could be on a dedicated computer, a raspberry PI, or just your desktop machine.


When running a web application, any javascript that wants to send an http request like a rest web service call must send it to the originating web server. This is a security measure that every browsers enforces.


For more information on this:



Therefore, when using your own web server, you need a trick so that your web server redirects the request to ISY. This is called a transparent proxy.


I have attached what I use. This is PHP code, and therefore, requires a web server which supports PHP.  If you have that, all you need to do is unzip the file to the root of your web server, and edit the PHP file to configure your ISY IP, user ID, and password. That's it.




To customize HAD:

HAD has been made to facilitate basic customizations of your dashboard. If you can get to run the page on your own web server, you are close to completion. The customization is the easiest part, if you limit yourself to a custom device table, which itself can do a lot.


Here's instructions on the wiki to get you started:



Let us know how it goes!



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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for my delayed response.


WOW, This is more than I bargained for right of the beginning.


I really like the dashboard GUI and will someday implement it.


Your write up is very good and I appreciate the time you took to do it, it really helped me understand what is involved.


I'm going to save your response because it was very educational and will be of great value when I do it.


Thank You


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