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Program to take action if light left on


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We have a light in a store room in the garage which is left on from time to time.  I want to use my ISY to monitor when the light is on and if after x minutes it is still on, turn on/off a lamp in the main house.  Based on my current understanding of the ISY programming, I believe I need the following programs:


* If light switched on; then set variable to 1; else set variable to 0


* If variable set to 1, wait x minutes then turn lamp on/off


My questions are as follows:


1) Will the Else portion of program #1 work or do I need a third program to execute when the light is turned off?

2) Will program #2 continue to run over and over so long as the variable is set to 1 and stop running when the variable is set to 0?


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You could use 'if status of light is not off', then set variable to one if you want a global timer, but you could also use 'if control light is switched on' if you only want this behavior to occur when the light is activated from the store room switch.


Program 2 should only trigger when the variable changes, assuming it's a state variable.


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        Status 'light' is On

     And Status 'light' is not Off



        Wait x minutes

        Set 'light' Off




If the 'light' is part of a scene, Then set 'scene' Off.

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Correct... I do not want to automatically turn off the store room light but instead turn a lamp (in the main house) ON/OFF as a reminder that the light was left on.  I plan to use a variation of this program to remind me that another light (one of the outside lights) was left on as well.

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Do you happen to have a keypadlinc you could dedicate a button on to this? That way, if the storeroom light is on, so is the button on your keypad. Bonus, you can turn it on/off from there too.


Otherwise it'll take a few programs to do this. Maybe something that runs every minute after 30 minutes and flashes a light until the storeroom light gets shut off.



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I resolved my problem...


I added to program #2, the line "Run Program (program #2" (If) so it runs continuously until the store room light is turned off.


builderb, yes I have a Keypad which has a button assigned to the store room light so we can remotely turn off the light.  My desire to have a lamp flash is because the Keypad is near the back door and the lamp is in the family room.


Thanks to all for your assistance.

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Do you happen to have a keypadlinc you could dedicate a button on to this? That way, if the storeroom light is on, so is the button on your keypad. Bonus, you can turn it on/off from there too.


Otherwise it'll take a few programs to do this. Maybe something that runs every minute after 30 minutes and flashes a light until the storeroom light gets shut off.



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I agree with this method above as it keeps traffic in the Inteon network down. I know lots of folks have great success in making things flash etc.


But, in my mind this is disaster waiting to happen and impacts reliability as the programs and network expands. 

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