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Toggle on working different than Toggle off


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How do I program a button (on an 8 button 2334) to work differently when I press it to turn on vs off.   In other words I want to create a scene with dozens of lights in it that it will all turn off, but when I turn it on, I only want it to turn on 3-4 of the lights.  Also, I would like the button to light when *any* of the dozen are turned on.   Is this possible?

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Yes, but it has to be done with ISY Programs.  The function you describe cannot be done with a single Scene.  A Program will have to monitor the Status of the devices and turn On the KPL button as appropriate.  Also the On and Off commands for a given button use the same Scene which can contain the common devices for On and Off.  However, the additional devices for Off have to be in another Scene another Program turns Off.

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I would probably tackle this with a combination of programs and scenes. A program is definitely required. The approach may depend on what you want to happen to those lights beyond the 3-4 when you toggle ON the button...turn OFF? Stay at current level?

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Yes, if you put ALL devices in the scene, with zero ON levels for the devices beyond the primary 3 or 4, this would simplify the programming.


You will still need a program to turn ON the keypad button if any of the dozen are on



status device 1 is on

or status device 2 is on


or status device 12 is on


set keypadbuttonscene on




the keypadbuttonscene is a scene with a single responder device...the keypadbutton.  Unfortunately, these buttons respond only to scene commands, so this is a necessary step to control them from an ISY program.

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Fantastic.  That program will also have the benefit of turning the button on in the first place.  That’s good because then I only need to press it once to initiate an all off.    


So the scene and program combination functions as all three needs.  

1. I have a big group (scene) of all lights and any one of them being turned on will cause the button to light.

2. Pressing the button off will cause ALL the lights in the scene to turn off. 

3. Pressing the button on will cause only selected lights to come on.


I presume if I have any of the lights in the group in other scenes that turn them on, I will also need to include the button as a responder in those scene.   Or would the program catch the light being turned on?  (i.e.: would  "If status" be triggered to catch it?)

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The program will catch it and turn the button on. I do something similar with all of my kpl6 d buttons. Any single light being on will turn it on via program. Pressing the button is an all off scene. Instead of setting some devices to a 0 on level, however, i have the button set to non-toggle off so that it only turns the scene off. Interesting idea to use it in toggle mode to only turn on certain devices in the all off scene though. I may consider doing that.

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3. Pressing the button on will cause only selected lights to come on.


Reminder, if you put them all into the scene, with devices 1-4 set to desired ON level, and 5-12 set to an ON level of zero, then not only will selected lights come on, but other lights will turn off.  If they are already off, then no harm. If some were on, well....only you can determine if you can live with this.

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