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Using keypadlinc 5 (prob got the name wrong)


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I am trying to have certain programs run based upon the status of buttons a,b,c,d. I can do this succefully with one button, however when I want a program to run based upon a and b it does not work.


1. Am I missing something ?

2. I am hoping to use two buttons to activate an away mode with the combination of the status of two phones via mobilinc lite, can I remotly turn off any of the a,b,c,d buttons remotly, effectivly disarming my away setting ( allowing the program to run/not run) ?

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1. Almost a certainty.

2. Yes.


To offer more specific advice, you may need to describe what combinations of the four buttons drive which programs. For example


-If button A and B are on, and C and D are off, then run program X.

-If button C is on, regardless of state of other buttons, run program Y only.


At risk of embarrassing myself, I believe that there are 16 combinations that can be made from those four keypad buttons. If one is not careful here, it will be easy to create conditions where more than one program might fire. Is this acceptable?

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I will send a copy tonight, for now what I was trying to accomplish is....




Keypad button A is on

and Keypad button B is on

and Phone is status 0

and Phone2 is status 0


Then program can run


Please note that this works with a single item (example Keypad button a is on) as soon as I add an and with another item it does not work.


As for turning the buttons on/off remotely how is this done, currently if I log on to the ISY remotely I can see the buttons under devices however they cannot be manipulated (stay in the off condition, even though I press "on")

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If I can assume you have found a way to reliably define and know phone "status" (are you using a variable?), the logic is pretty much as you have it:



Status keypad A is on <<<are you using status or control?

And status keypad B is on

And status phone is 0

And status phone2 is 0


Do something


The obvious things to look for....are you using congrol or status as a program condition? What are you telling it to do in the THEN path? Is the ISY SEEING THE status changes correctly? The logic is near bulletproof.


Yes you can control buttons remotely. You may need to create a scene, add the button as the sole device in the scene, then control the scene remotely.

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Your program requires the BOTH keypad buttons be on, not one or the other. It that what you want. Also, past a copy of the actual program itself.


Is "phone" a variable? If so, is it an integer or state variable? What controls the value of the variable?

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For some reason it is working tonigh, maybe I was just tired and forgot to hit save, not sure.  Anyway part 1 is done, program is attached if interested...


Folder Conditions for 'Away Program'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

        Status  'Main Floor / Office / A' is On
    And Status  'Main Floor / Office / D' is On
    And $Jen's_IPhone6_Home is 0
    And $RKip6_home is 0
   Allow the programs in this folder to run.

As for part two, how do I setup the button for remote control through a scene ? or other method

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Ok, so playing around I made a scene, one for each button A,B,C,D in each of those scenes I added the Button and made it a controller.  From here I can manipulate the buttons on the keypad, is this the preferred method ?.  This is the first time I have worked with scene's so it was a little trial and error.

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Scenes are preferred if the goal is for device(s) to control device(s) with no conditions because 1) a scene responds faster that a program and 2) once the scene is created, the ISY is neither involved nor needed.

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I believe scenes are more than the "preferred" approach to controlling secondary buttons.  I believe secondary buttons respond ONLY to scene commands.  If you want to change the status of a keypad through mobilinc, or a program, or the admin panel, I believe you MUST use a scene.


Regarding a program to activate only after a combination of buttons is pressed, I am near certain that is within the abilities of an ISY.  Consider button combination B-A-C.  Consider making the buttons non-toggle off, and adding programs such as:



Control keypad button B is off


wait 3 seconds

run this program (else path)




If Control keypad button A is off


first program is true


wait 3 seconds

run this program (else path)




if control keypad button C is off


second program is true




This example is a quick idea, but could be made more robust and secure with the addition of other conditions, timers, whatever.  This was just a quick idea to get your mind rolling.

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The combination is A-B-C, in that order. A, B, and C are secondary buttons, so a scene is required to change the LEDs from lit to unlit. Micro Modules were chosen because they can be hidden from manual control. A wait state may need to be added. Programs B and C are disabled. I have not tested the result.


Program A


        Control 'Button A' is switched On



           Set Scene 'Button A' Off

           Set 'Micro Module A" On

           Run Program 'B" (If)


Program B


           Control 'Button B' is switched On

   And  Status 'Button A' is Off

   And  Status 'Micro Module A' is On



           Set Scene 'Button B' Off

           Set 'Micro Module B" On

           Run Program 'C' (If)


Program C


           Control 'Button C' is switched On

   And  Status 'Button A' is Off

   And  Status 'Button B' is Off

   And  Status 'Micro Module A' is On

   And  Status 'Micro Module B' is On



           Set Scene 'Button C' Off

           Set 'Micro Module A' Off

           Set 'Micro Module B' Off

           Run Program 'whatever' (If)

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