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Improving 2420M Insteon Motion Response


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Hello Everyone,


I have been testing out the new insteon motion detectors and have noticed that when I directly link the motion detector to a device (making a "New Scene" and making the 2420M a controller and another device a responder) I get almost no delay (from motion to light-on).


As an alternative, if I use the motion sensor as a "trigger" for a program to have a light turn on I notice I get an almost 3 second delay. Is everyone else experiencing this as well?? Is this just the nature of the beast?


So I find myself trying to have the best of both worlds… I (like everyone else) am trying to figure out how to:


Have an "instant-on" (no delay) "on" response similar to when there is a direct link, but be able to set at least some variables.


So here is what I am trying to do:


1. I have a KPL button called "Motion Off" that disables many of my programs that are "motion" activated. I had this working previously with some Dakota Motions and an EZSnsRF (I didn't care for the unreliability and delay of these devices… when you have too many the signals seem to cancel each other out). Basically, there are motion detectors in every room and when I roll over in bed would prefer for the lights not to come on ;)


For instance, all this would be achievable if there was some way to "prevent" a 2420M signal from being processed by the insteon network between the hours of 11:00PM & 6:00 AM (but then still have all other devices work normally).


2. Set timers: If motion is detected in the middle of the night in the bathroom… do not turn the bathroom light on 100% (I would like to fall back asleep). (All this while having an "instant-on" motion detector)

3. If motion is sensed (turn instantly on), and I would like a 3 min delay since "last motion".


I know that many of you used to have programs that did this. Running a program that would "renew" every time motion was sensed (in essence, restarting the countdown timer). Since this new motion detector only seems to send 1 "On" command… it makes it difficult.


Is it possible to "block" a signal??


For example, lets say I directly link the motion to a device (not using a program with variables)… Motion would (almost instantly) turn on a lamp. 60 seconds later (with no motion) it would send an "off command to turn it off.


Is it possible for the motion "on" command to turn it on, but for the "off" command to be issued BUT not to have it turn off the light? Then the "off" command could be used as a "trigger" for a command.


I have experimented with putting a:

If 2420 Motion "On" happens…

Then wait 58 seconds

Then turn on lamp

Then turn on lamp

Then turn on lamp

Then turn on lamp

Then turn on lamp

Then turn on lamp



I have had limited success with it. I am basically just trying to flood the network with "on" commands for a few seconds so it will not carry out the "off" command (but the ISY will still see it).


Anyways… any input would be appreciated.



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I have a bit of an issue with this, as well. My problem is that the motion sensor seems to be sending multiple ON commands that collide with the ON commands that my ISY program is sending in response to the first ON command that it receives from the motion sensor. If I add "WAIT 1 Second" to the program before sending the light ON command, it seems to avoid the collision. As you point out, this results in a delay of about 2 seconds before the lights come on.


It seems that the way to do what you want is to set the motion sensor to only send ON commands. This is accomplished through setting the jumpers, per the instructions. In my case, this won't work because I want the the lights to only come on during certain times -- thus, I need full ISY control.


I'm looking forward to others' suggestions here.

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I have a bit of an issue with this, as well. My problem is that the motion sensor seems to be sending multiple ON commands that collide with the ON commands that my ISY program is sending in response to the first ON command that it receives from the motion sensor. If I add "WAIT 1 Second" to the program before sending the light ON command, it seems to avoid the collision. As you point out, this results in a delay of about 2 seconds before the lights come on.


It seems that the way to do what you want is to set the motion sensor to only send ON commands. This is accomplished through setting the jumpers, per the instructions. In my case, this won't work because I want the the lights to only come on during certain times -- thus, I need full ISY control.


I'm looking forward to others' suggestions here.


The problem with setting the jumpers to "on only" is the motion detector does not seem to "refresh" the "on" command in programs very dependably.


It's really a shame... I had such high hopes for these little sensors :(

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I have found that I get the rapid response when I have the 2420M set as the controller for a Scene containing the devices I want to activate. It seems that you could use this approach and have the scene programed to be active only during the times you desire!



TO Anyone >

I am still trying to get my 2420M to be asleep during the day. I have been unable to get the Dawn/Dusk jumper to work regardless of how many times I do a factory reset. Anybody else had this problem? . . . . . I'll be calling SH today!

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I have found that I get the rapid response when I have the 2420M set as the controller for a Scene containing the devices I want to activate. It seems that you could use this approach and have the scene programed to be active only during the times you desire!



Correct me if Im wrong... but if I set it as a controller in a scene, then made a program to only allow it to run at certain times... wouldnt that go something like:


-motion detector senses motion & sends "on" command

-light immediately turns on (because it is the responder)

-program runs (for scheduled times)

-statement becomes false and the ISY turns off the light


So what you would end up with is a light that comes on for a second and then turns off. I think the ISY "programs" is what takes the extra 1-2 seconds (since it actually has to process the logic information). That is why I was looking to see if anyone knew of any other (albeit it more complicated) workarounds.

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