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Insteon open close sensor not linking to PLM/ISY

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It sounds like RF reception is marginal at the SwitchLinc.


Is the PLM at Outlet level?   If so use a short extension to raise it to switch level as a test.    


Insteon supplements communication with RF, the RF does not replace powerline comm.   If there is something adding noise or reducing powerline signal there will be comm issues.

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Add to what LeeG has suggested about moving the PLM with an extension cord. For the time being please unplug all devices you can reach and repeat the same tests.


Should you find one device that has impacted the coupling / bridging you need only place it on a Filter Linc: http://www.smarthome.com/filterlinc-10-amp-plug-in-noise-filter.html


Lastly, you should walk around and see if there are any other Insteon devices which show *Green* LED's which indicates proper coupling / bridging of the single split phase electrical system.


It should be noted no matter how well the network is bridged / coupled it does not circumvent noise makers / signal suckers. Both of which can over whelm the Insteon signal from passing back and forth to the intended switch. 

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In addition to what the others have suggested, make sure that you don't have a computer, UPS, charger, etc. plugged into the same outlet/circuit as the PLM as they will degrade the signal from the PLM.


How many dual band devices do you have in your installation?  The more you have the better your communications will be. Insteon is designed as a mesh network, all the devices talk to one another.

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Tried all the suggestions. For the moment had only one Swithlinc Dimmer, Smoke Bridge, and IOlinc Garage door opener, as well as one open/close sensor. 


I put PLM on extension cord and raised up - activated PLM beacon - no change in Switch - flashes red.


unplugged IOlinc and Smoke Bridge  - also no change in Beacon response but Switch then began to respond to ISY admin console except for Ramp On command.


After Query of Switch all worked!

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Unless you moved the PLM to a different circuit on the other phase. The Red LED flashing in the beacon test would be the same. Though if the periodic white LED was less frequent or gone. The RF path was more stable. From the test location.

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and the fact that switchlinc flashed red indicates it is on the same phase correct??


In North America, electricity delivered to residences is a split, single-phase electric supply. There are two opposite leg or sides, incorrectly called phases, providing 220/240VAC with a center tap which is the neutral. The voltage between either opposite leg and the neutral is 110/120VAC.


When conducting the beacon test, any flashing of the LED indicates that there is good RF communication between the initiating device and the responder(s). The predominant color indicates if the devices are or are not on opposite legs of the single-phase electric supply.


BTW, they're called opposite legs (or sides) because at any instant the flow of current in one leg is in the opposite direction as that in the other leg, in other words, 180º out-of-phase. A phase-coupler bridges the opposite legs, not phases.

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For the moment the system is stable - Thank You!


The next issue is the Smoke Bridge with First Alert Smoke/CO device.


Linking Process with Bridge was easy, but no indication Bridge is receiving any signal from smoke detector!


In Admin Consol shows up as Smoke Bridge (7 items) - but no "states" except under "test" which says "off" and doesnt change while testing!


Any thoughts?

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  • 4 weeks later...

The PLM 4 tap beacon test is not trial and error.   The newest Dual Band devices have a status LED that blinks Red when on same 120v leg as PLM and blinks Green when on opposite 120v leg.   Refer to the User Manual of older Dual Band device for status LED reaction.


A Dual Band device that is not in RF range of PLM will not blink either color.


The I/O Linc is not Dual Band (powerline only) so issues with powerline can make I/O Linc comm a problem.


A device that will turn On but not Off is often caused interference from the device load. 

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what i meant by trial and error was if I have a device on same phase now how can i find a switch on the other phase to insert a dual link device!


can you speak more to the load interference issue - right now the Switch link is controlling 6 incandescent light bulbs?

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Not sure how to answer about where to install a Dual Band switch.   Normally folks install Insteon devices in the location they want Insteon awareness/control rather than for coupling purposes.  i would use a Dual Band LampLinc or Range Extender where it can be plugged in at various locations with beacon test running to gain reliable coupling.


An incandescent load is not what usually causes Off to fail.   Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3, sending the SwitchLinc On and Off commands to see what the Insteon traffic looks like.

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You are correct. Unless you are intimately familiar with the way the wiring was routed (usually NOT line-of sight), the only way to determine if devices are on opposite legs of the split, single-phase electric supply is to use a test such as the 4-tap/beacon test.


To determine of the load is causing the problem, disconnect the load. It you can manipulate the state of the device with the load disconnected, but not when it's connected, then you've found the problem.

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