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All On triggering itself


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I'm having a major problem with my Insteon installation. 


A few weeks ago, an "All On" event triggered every device in the home while I was laying in bed. This is particularly disturbing because virtually everything in my home is Insteon enabled, including my three garage door openers. Which opened and stayed that way. 


Last night, it happened again, so I updated my ISY to the latest version today just to rule out any bugs (I was several versions behind).


Well, it just happened again, but only partially - most of the lights were in a funky state, odd dim levels, etc. This time I actually had the ISY console up and running and for some reason it did not seem to recognize any of the states. One of my appliance modules, for example, turned on but the ISY still said it was off. So I don't really know if this is an ISY issue or an Insteon issue.


Unfortunately I am not at all versed in troubleshooting Insteon at this level. However, I can learn, so I'm here looking for your help. If you can give me any tips on how to approach this or point me in the direction of resources or documentation, I would be eternally grateful. 

  • I do NOT have any "All On" sequences in any of my programs and never have.
  • This does seem to be time related. It happened right around 10pm the last two nights. I don't recall the time on the first night, but I had just climbed into bed so it's likely that was also around 10.
  • I do have a program that runs at 10pm, it just checks the status of a few variables and then optionally executes a scene to dim my exterior lights. It's worked very well for several years.

I'm going back to bed as soon as I post this, but I'll check your replies tomorrow. Thank you in advance!! 


(Quite frankly this is bad enough I consider myself lucky to be a bachelor, my ex wife would have lost her damn mind at the house unlocking itself in the middle of the night and demanded I tear all this equipment out. Good thing she's gone. ;)  )


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