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Night light program


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Hi Every one


I have been trying to get a simple night light program to work. when the light is switched on after 12AM and before 5AM the same day go to 30 percent. it does do that but goes past the set point a little then back to where I want it. I did a search couldn't find any talk about this issue. is this normal


Thanks Jeff

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The Insteon device is reacting to its normal On Level faster than the Program can override with a lower On Level.  The simplest way to make this happen is to adjust the On Level to 30% at midnight and then back to 100% at 5 AM.  This does not turn On/Off the device, only affects the On Level when device is manually operated.


Define an ISY Scene with the device as a Controller


Scene xxxx

Controller - Switchlinc Dimmer 1


In an ISY Program code 


OnLevelChange1 - [iD 0087][Parent 0001]
        From    12:00:01AM
        To       5:00:00AM (same day)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc Dimmer 1' Set 'SwitchLinc Dimmer 1' 30% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc Dimmer 1' Set 'SwitchLinc Dimmer 1' 100% (On Level)
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