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Mobilinc geofence question


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I am new to mobilinc and so far really like it, but am having an issue with how geofence works. I set up a geofence that tells the ISY that I am away from home, which turns on cameras and does some other stuff. Then when I return home, it turns the cameras and other programs off. This works great except when I left home one day and my iPhone battery died. Arriving home obviously didn't trigger the "arriving home" program and after the iPhone charges up "inside the geofence", it doesn't trigger either. So the cameras and other programs stay on as if I wasn't home. Is there a quick fix for this situation?


Thanks I will repost this in the mobilinc forum.


And thanks for the tip to change the state variable, but I was hoping for something a little more automated.


One of the other things I discovered is you also should update the GF variable initial value in your programs to the current state to prevent programs from executing when the ISY reboots an your MLHD updates the GF variable. My garage door seemed to open randomly until I did that.


Thanks Elvis...but I am a little confused. As far as I understand, the initial value of the GF field is a 2, to distinguish the initial state from either inside or outside the geo-fence states. So let's say that when you are outside the fence, the value is a 1.  And then the ISY gets hit with a power interruption and then restarts, then the GF field will come up as a 2, and of course whatever programs were executing when the GF was a 1, will probably not be executing now. So I can understand the need to do what you are suggesting, but I don't know how to set the initial state of a variable from within a program. Can you explain that or provide an example. Also wouldn't you have to do this in a program that runs "when the ISY is shutting down", and I know of no mechanism to do that. You can specify a program to run on start up, but not on shutdown. Thanks.

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