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MP3 board and IOLinc for custom voice notifications


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I was searching for a door bell solution for my house which has a wireless doorbell. My thinking was to use a wired button connected to an IOLinc input and use the IOLinc output to trigger a hacked wireless doorbell button. That way the IOLinc would trigger the ISY and the wireless doorbell receiver at the same time.


While searching around I found a Honeywell unit that would accept other inputs for chimes such as motion sensors and door contacts. So that got me to dreaming and googling. An hour latter I came up with this.


MP3 board with 18 trigger inputs https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11029

A couple of Smartenit EZIO40 four output relays http://www.smarthome.com/smartenit-ezio4o-insteon-4-output-relay-load-controller.html

A small amplified speaker


You could have custom recorded messages such as "The garage door has been opened" or "Motion detected in the back yard" etc....


Does this sound like it would work? I don't see why not. Any thoughts or comments?

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Good points.


How would I control the 16 channel relay board? I'm assuming raspberry pi or arduino?


I did find this in the tech documentation for the MP3 board so it should work with dry contact closure.


"The trigger inputs are active low and pulled high internally. Therefore, they can be activated either by digital outputs
from another microcontroller (such as an Arduino) or by a simple contact closure (switch) to ground. The inputs
support voltage levels of either 5V or 3.3V."
Is there an advantage to the wav board over the MP3 board?
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With a little more research I think I might try this network 16 channel relay connected to this 11 channel sound board. The relay can be controlled with http sent from the ISY network module.






It would be cheaper than the MP3 board and IOlincs.

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I looked into this some time back for sound notifications for ISY events and about the same time learned about Amazon Echo and it's Skills development program and right now am in anticipation for push notifications to Echo.  I'm hoping this will evolve with/from the "Connected Home" project but I haven't heard of acceptance yet.  I know they're considering it cause the last response was late December sorta indicating this.




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I do this with an old Android tablet using pushover and Tasker, and plan to add something to ISYHelper to eliminate pushover.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


Don't you have to open the notification to receive the voice message?





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No, Tasker reads the message that pushover sends.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


Well that's interesting!  Now I need to find a way for a Tasker like app to run on my Windows machine and play over my sound system :)




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