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Want to use KeypadLinc to show garage door status


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What would be the best way to use a couple of buttons on a KeypadLinc to indicate if a garage door is open?  I have 3 keypads in the house and would like all of them to use G & H as notifications.  If door 1 is open, light key G.  If door 2 is open, light H.  I don't want any further control - just an indicator light.  Even if the button is pushed, I want the light to stay on if the door is open.

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I do just that with two garage doors. You would need an input device such as an I/O Linc and a dry contact magnetic switch. The buttons are set to Non-Toggle On. No matter how many times I push the button, it will remain on unless a signal from the I/O Linc turns it off. Closing the garage door provides that signal.

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OK, I do have the garage door sensor and IOLinc on both doors.  Would I make a program for this?  How does this look?


Garage Door Double Status - [iD 0005][Parent 0001][Not Enabled]

        Status  'Garage Door Sensor Double' is Off
        Set 'Kitchen Nook Lamp Keypad A / Kitchen Nook Lamp Keypad H' On 15 / Off 1 (Backlight Level)
        Set 'Master Bed Keypad A / Master Bed Keypad H' On 15 / Off 1 (Backlight Level)
        Set 'Basement Keypad A / Basement Keypad H' On 15 / Off 1 (Backlight Level)
        Set 'Basement Keypad A / Basement Keypad H' On  0 / Off 1 (Backlight Level)
        Set 'Kitchen Nook Lamp Keypad A / Kitchen Nook Lamp Keypad H' On  0 / Off 1 (Backlight Level)
        Set 'Master Bed Keypad A / Master Bed Keypad H' On  0 / Off 1 (Backlight Level)

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First the Program is not Enabled.


Next, Backlight adjusts the LED On/Off brightness of all KPL buttons.  It does not indicate a button is On or Off.


Need an ISY Scene with the KPL buttons as Responders.  Then turn the Scene On or Off to turn button LED On or Off


Scene xxx

 Basement Keypad A / Basement Keypad H - Responder
 Kitchen Nook Lamp Keypad A / Kitchen Nook Lamp Keypad H - Responder
 Master Bed Keypad A / Master Bed Keypad H - Responder




   Set Scene 'xxx' On


   Set Scene 'xxx' Off

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 LeeG, does this look like what you have described?



Garage Door Single Status - [iD 0007][Parent 0001]

        Status  'Garage Door Sensor Single' is Off
        Set Scene 'Garage Door Single Status' On
        Set Scene 'Garage Door Single Status' Off

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It looks okay if the I/O Linc Sensor is Off when the garage door is open.   That is dependent on the type of magnet used.  


I do not recommend using Trigger Reverse with this type Program because the 3AM Query returns the actual state of the I/O Linc Sensor, not the Trigger Reverse value.

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Else won't run because If only indicates what to do if the device changes from On to Off. Add Status 'Garage Door Sensor Single' is not On to the If section. That way, if the sensor it turned on, then the If section becomes false and the Else statement runs.

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Even if the button is pushed, I want the light to stay on if the door is open.


When I push 'G' or 'H', the light goes off.  I push it again and it blinks.  Any way to disable the button so it only turns on or off dependent on the scene?


I think this is the part of your requirements that need further addressing.  It is simple enough to have the keypad buttons reflect the state of the sensor.  The method I would use would depend on the state of the IOLinc when the door is closed, and this is dependent on the sensor.  If your IOLinc is OFF when the door is closed, I would use a scene.  If your IOLinc is ON when the door is closed, I would use a program.


The limitation with these approaches, however, is that neither address the problem when somebody manually presses the keypad button by accident.  For this, I believe you will need additional programming action.  My initial reaction to this requirement is an additional program to watch for those button presses, then run your garage door status program.  This could look something like:



control keypad button is set on

or control keypad button is set off

or control keypad button is dimmed

or control keypad button is fast on



run garage door single status (if path)


Any way to disable the button so it only turns on or off dependent on the scene?



Not that I am aware.


Else won't run because If only indicates what to do if the device changes from On to Off. Add Status 'Garage Door Sensor Single' is not On to the If section.


I do not believe this to be true.  STATUS conditions will trigger upon ANY change in status, either from ON to OFF, or OFF to ON.  Once triggered, it will execute TRUE (if now OFF) or FALSE (if now ON).

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If your IOLinc is ON when the door is closed, I would use a program.


The limitation with these approaches, however, is that neither address the problem when somebody manually presses the keypad button by accident.  For this, I believe you will need additional programming action. 


my IOLinc is ON when door is closed.


yeah, I have 2 daughters under 8 years old.  buttons will be pushed.  :mrgreen:

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