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Dimmer in KeypadLinc won't respond to scene button.


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Ok, I am trying to wrap my head around how the scene thing works here.


I've replaced a 3-way switch setup with a KeypadLinc and a SwitchLinc. The dimmer in the KeypadLinc is powering the lights and the switchLinc is only being used as a controller at the 60% light level.


I have the KPL dimmer (x.x.x.1) set to 80% as a controller to SWL as a responder (sets the LEDs on it to 80%) OK that works.


Now I want to set a scene using the KPL B button for 60%

x.x.x.1 set to responder

x.x.x.B set to Controller

SWL set to controller


Pressing KPL B moves the SWL LED's to 60% but does nothing to the light level.

Pressing SWL does control the KPL's dimmer as expected.


In the scene setup, when I highlight x.x.x.B it shows only the SWL. not the KPL's dimmer which is in the scene.


Can the KPL's dimmer not be controlled by the scene buttons in the same KPL?


When I added the KPL's dimmer to the scene it came up with a Dialog box warning the dimmer was already used as a controller and did I want to add it to the scene as a responder, to which I answered YES.


What am I doing wrong here?

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I have been making a scene for each light level, Adding lights and the single KPL button I want to control it... Is this wrong?


OR.. Am I suppose to make ie a rec-room scene with all the lights (2476 Dimmers) and then add all the KPL buttons I want to use to control those lights.


Then highlight each KPL button within that scene and set the light levels for each button.


EDIT: OK, looks like I can do that as long as its a dimmer outside of the KPL. From what I can see I cannot control the local dimmer within the KPL, BUT the LED under the Main button will turn ON and OFF.

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I have been making a scene for each light level, Adding lights and the single KPL button I want to control it... Is this wrong?


OR.. Am I suppose to make ie a rec-room scene with all the lights (2476 Dimmers) and then add all the KPL buttons I want to use to control those lights.


Then highlight each KPL button within that scene and set the light levels for each button.


EDIT: OK, looks like I can do that as long as its a dimmer outside of the KPL. From what I can see I cannot control the local dimmer within the KPL, BUT the LED under the Main button will turn ON and OFF.


You can do it either way it depends on what your final desired outcome is. Seperate scenes for each light level will leave the individual keypads off that are not being used. What I mean is that if you do it with one scene and have say 3 different buttons each to control a different light level, then all of the buttons will light whenever any of them are on. If you don't want that (let's say you only want the one to light that sets the level) then you should use seperate scenes for each one.


As far as controlling from a button on the same KPL (called a "secondary button" the load controlling button is the primary). You can do this, but you can not set a specific on level for that button. The on level will be whatever it is set to for the scene itself.


I hope that makes sense...if not, I will try a better example.



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I rewired my 3-way switch so the SWL is operating the load using an unused runner wire between the boxes so I have everything ALMOST operating correctly.

The big issue now is I want the lights to come on at 30% when I press the local SWL paddle, BUT its coming on at 80%! I've checked and changed every ON setting I can find in my ISY that touches this switch with no luck, it keeps going to 80%. I've even done a restore on it.


PLUS I have a second 2476 that I want to change it to another local default level... it won't change either. Both were installed today and initally set to local level of 80%.


All are new switches with V4.0 and i'm running Ver 2.6.5 in my ISY26.


I have read the manuals and my eyes are glazing over.


I can change the light levels from the KPL and my ISY on both with no problem.


I don't think I'm that stunned, I write microcontroller programs for MicroChip PIC controllers for my work!


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