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Net-Resource: Failed connecting to api.prowlapp.com


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I didn't realize you were using the 99i...  Couple things I noticed.

1.) The Dashboard and Admin Console UI used needs to be the same version as your firmware (see your first image "version.jpg.")  You need to clear your Java Cache then download the correct versions (if your Admin Console is also wrong see Help > About)

2.) Your network settings are UPnP.  You might change this to DHCP and reserve the address in your router (after you install the correct Dashboard and if needed Admin Console.)  That could be your problem.




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Unfortunately the dashboard for 3.3.10 is missing, anyway I'm not sure issue came from this side, the system was up and running for more than 3 years.
I did not notice any change on my network or hardwares since issue.

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Unfortunately the dashboard for 3.3.10 is missing, anyway I'm not sure issue came from this side, the system was up and running for more than 3 years.

I did not notice any change on my network or hardwares since issue.


You might look at the network and see if ISY is visible.




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I switched to dhcp and made ip reservation in my  router, but still the same error message, I use another ha software (domoticz) and prowl work as it is (same api key) I have no idea where investigated now!

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3.3.10 non-pro cannot connect to most SSL servers now - because it only supports ciphers that are now considered so insecure that most web sites have now removed them.


To use any of the network notification services you'll either have to upgrade to a 994 - or setup a reverse proxy to handle SSL for the old ISY.



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