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IR & Mutual Exclusivity


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I've just gotten done programming my ISY-99IR Pro with my remote to control two KPL's on the 1st floor. Even though the KPL's have Mutually exclusive selected--and this works perfectly when using the KPL itself--when I use the IR to trigger the buttons do not behave as though mutually exclusive.


I tried a workaround by writing a program to turn all other buttons off upon activation of the selected, but it takes too much time to execute.


Any ideas on how to make these buttons behave as though mutually exclusive when using the IR remote to trigger?

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Someone else can jump in to correct me in case I am mistaken, but I am 97.4% sure that this is not possible without doing it with programs. Once you introduce a second controller to the mix, the mutual exclusivity does not function.


I've just gotten done programming my ISY-99IR Pro with my remote to control two KPL's on the 1st floor. Even though the KPL's have Mutually exclusive selected--and this works perfectly when using the KPL itself--when I use the IR to trigger the buttons do not behave as though mutually exclusive.


I tried a workaround by writing a program to turn all other buttons off upon activation of the selected, but it takes too much time to execute.


Any ideas on how to make these buttons behave as though mutually exclusive when using the IR remote to trigger?

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Hi frustratednon-geek,


Eric is 100% correct: Mutual Exclusivity is only applicable to local control (and not remote through commands). What you want to do is, assuming A and B are mutually exclusive

1. Create a scene for button A (responder)

2. Create a scene for button B (responder)

3. In your program, when you turn Scene 1 on, turn scene 2 off and vice versa


With kind regards,


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Okay, I kind of figured. The only problem is, If I put in the IR program to turn on scene A, and turn off Scene b, c, d, etc., it issues the commands in sequence. So it turns on A, then if one of the others was lit, it turns it off and cancels Scene A as well (the other buttons in the KPL all happen to control the same set of devices in varying on-levels).


If I put the off commands before the on, it takes about 5 seconds to make it through all the shutoffs and then finally turn on Scene A. I'm using the 8-button KPL...

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I had this same problem and have a ton of programs to fix it...until I read a post on here a few weeks ago where MikeB said the same thing that Rand just said above!


Just to give some more detail in case you don't understand what he means:


Leave your current scenes as is. What you do is setup a seperate scene for each keypad button that you want to control JUST THE LED with. Add the Keypad button to the scene as a responder, no need to add a controller since you will be controlling these scenes with your program. For example:


ScnKeypadButtonB - Contains the keypadlinc button B as a responder

ScnKeypadButtonC - Contains the keypadlinc button C as a responder



In your IR program to turn on scene A for example, use Set Scene commands to turn off the button scenes for the buttons you want off. For example:


Set Scene 'ScnKeypadButtonB' Off

Set Scene 'ScnKeypadButtonC' Off




Okay, I kind of figured. The only problem is, If I put in the IR program to turn on scene A, and turn off Scene b, c, d, etc., it issues the commands in sequence. So it turns on A, then if one of the others was lit, it turns it off and cancels Scene A as well (the other buttons in the KPL all happen to control the same set of devices in varying on-levels).


If I put the off commands before the on, it takes about 5 seconds to make it through all the shutoffs and then finally turn on Scene A. I'm using the 8-button KPL...

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I do something similar with KPL scene buttons in my home. I have scenes setup with the KPL secondaries as controllers, so pressing the button activates the scene quickly and independently of the ISY.


To keep only the active scene KPL secondary button lit I use a series of ISY programs, such as these:




       Status  'TheaterControls1E' is not Off
   And (
            Status  'TheaterControls1A-Table' is not 60%
         Or Status  'TheaterMain1' is not Off
         Or Status  'TheaterMain2' is not Off

       Set Scene 'TheaterDinnerStatus' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')





       Status  'TheaterControls1G' is not Off
   And (
            Status  'TheaterControls1A-Table' is not 30%
         Or Status  'TheaterMain1' is not 20%
         Or Status  'TheaterMain2' is not 20%

       Set Scene 'TheaterMovieStatus' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



In THEATER DINNER "TheaterControls1E" is the KPL secondary used to activate the scene. "TheaterDinnerStatus" is a scene containing ONLY that KPL secondary button.


In THEATER MOVIE "TheaterControls1G" is the KPL secondary used to activate the scene. "TheaterMovieStatus" is a scene containing ONLY that KPL secondary button.


So, when I press my THEATER DINNER button the lights come at the pre-set levels instantaneously. If I then press the THEATER MOVIE button the new scene activates and my levels change, then the ISY program kicks in and turns off my THEATER DINNER button. Takes about 1 second.


If you have a complex scene containing more than a few devices you might need to put a WAIT command in before the THEN statement to make sure the powerline is clear before the ISY tries to change the KPL secondary status light.



To add IR control I simply use the following programs:





       IR '9' is Pressed

       Set Scene 'TheaterDinner' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')





       IR '203' is Pressed

       Set Scene 'TheaterMovie' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



The scenes "TheaterDinner" and "TheaterMovie" contain not only the KPL secondary button controlling the scene, but also all responders in that scene.


After I send an IR command to change my scene, my above listed KPL STATUS programs kick in and make sure only the appropriate KPL secondary scene button is lit.

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Well...you can't way the folks in this forum don't try and help!


First Rand gives the answer, I figure you might need a little more detail, so I give it some...then Mike follows up with details, examples, 8x10 color glossy's with circles and arrows and a paragraph on back explain what each one does... :wink:

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