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DoorBird Door Bell Video System with open API


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Saw this mentioned on my AV Integration forums and wanted to share with everyone here. Company is called DoorBird - https://www.doorbird.com- Looks promising and nicer than "Ring". Plus it appears they have an open API (attached). Looks like you could do some cool things with this. Video stream is open too.


Let me know what you guys think. Hopefully this helps those looking for a decent setup.


Hmmmm. Only supports functionality down to -20C (-4F). Not going to work around Chicago (and for many of us enthusiasts much further North!).


This last winter, I had -18F for a few days....


Hmmmm. Only supports functionality down to -20C (-4F). Not going to work around Chicago (and for many of us enthusiasts much further North!).


This last winter, I had -18F for a few days....

Yeah that sucks. I am sure you are a bit warmer under an eve but I wouldnt trust it. Too bad it doesnt have a warmer like some camerasZ


$350 for the cheapest version. A little pricey for me.

The upcoming version of the Ring is 250

Does the Ring have an open API? Anyways I was just sharing. If the integration was good/local and worked well the increase in price maybe worth it. I know if I could control my ISY based on events from it like turn on lights etc then the extra cost is worth it to me. Looks nice.


I am still trying to figure out what I want to do for my home. I have a cat5e line run to the door and back to my AV rack with no doorbell yet. Cant tell you how many freakin people point it out when then come to my home. No shit I dont have a doorbell! Lol Why?! Cuz I dont want random solicitors like you bugging me during they day since I work from home. Everyone acts like the need an explanation, ugh.


Thanks for sharing.  There needs to be more competition in this area.


I've got cat5 to the front door as well.  I have an old doorbell attached to an old phone system that I want to get rid of.  I have no siren so I need a complete system.


Sharing from another form. Take it FWIW, but this is from an Pro AV integration forum:

"Video is way better than ring. BTW, one can equate the picture quality on the Ring advertisements as the way a Whopper looks on TV for Burger King commercials. Ring video is extremely disappointing. Doorbird video quality and view is far superior."


If the product is solid the price they are asking for is more than reasonable given its apparent robust build. I've been tracking a few new start ups that have entered the door bell fray and have to agree this is a nice market to make some cash on.


I really don't care for the pansy naming convention they assigned it, but what ever. Very interested to see what happens in the next 18 months in this sector and who decides to cast their hat into the door bell ring.


If the product is solid the price they are asking for is more than reasonable given its apparent robust build. I've been tracking a few new start ups that have entered the door bell fray and have to agree this is a nice market to make some cash on.


I really don't care for the pansy naming convention they assigned it, but what ever. Very interested to see what happens in the next 18 months in this sector and who decides to cast their hat into the door bell ring.

I am thinking about getting the oil rubbed bronze in the flush mount. Then using the ISY create commands inside the house to make it look like someone is home. Even better if I can put some of the sound through my distributed audio.


I would be interested in this product as a point of use and secondary camera system. But unfortunately I have a door bell that is encased in stucco by the retarded builder . . .


It never ceases to amaze me how many people tout they are professionals in what ever trade / industry. Yet at every turn their final product, quality, service, and craftsmanship is right up there with a two year old.


This is the only reason I haven't wasted anytime on replacing the 1962 door bell button since getting possession of the home. 


They will be bankrupt in 12 months after they paid themselves a nice salary with the KS marks funds.

I wasn't aware they were a KS product. You might be right but the nice thing is the open API rather than the cloud could help with longevity. Im with Teken though using it in conjunction with a secondary camera system would be good idea. Ill look into this more. I am a bit hesitant with KS startups now though for sure.


That was an excellent review from the OP thanks for sharing. It was interesting to read the comments from other users about the other various brands of door bells people had used in the past.


It came as no great surprise to me to read the *Ring* and similar toy like devices were returned or sold off. Assuming people are right about this being a KS project I would hold off for another year and see where they are at.


If the product was in the $50-100.00 range not much to cry about if it was abandoned and no longer being developed. But when you push $350 - 700.XX that isn't chump change or investment for a freaking door bell yet!


I would be curious to hear the reasons why some of these doorbells have been returned.

I personally installed a Ring doorbell about 6 months ago and I am very pleased with it.

I originally thought that it would be just another gadget that I would play with for a while and then revert back to a regular push button, but it has been very stable and worked as described.

The addition of Live View recently filled a great gap.  Even wife loves it, and she's not a fan of home automation by any stretch


What's the story about the live view?





The highest calling in life is to serve ones country faithfully - Teach others what can be. Do what is right and not what is popular.


In the past, what I thought was missing from the product, is the possibility to connect at anytime from the app and get a live feed from the doorbell camera.  In the past, we could only get video feed if someone actually rang the doorbell or if there was motion detected.

A few weeks ago, they just added this Live View feature where you can, at will, get a streaming view from the camera.  It came in handy a few weeks ago as I was returning from a trip and was wondering if I would have to shovel the driveway or not.  So far, it's working well, no complaints on my side.


In the past, what I thought was missing from the product, is the possibility to connect at anytime from the app and get a live feed from the doorbell camera.  In the past, we could only get video feed if someone actually rang the doorbell or if there was motion detected.

A few weeks ago, they just added this Live View feature where you can, at will, get a streaming view from the camera.  It came in handy a few weeks ago as I was returning from a trip and was wondering if I would have to shovel the driveway or not.  So far, it's working well, no complaints on my side.


Isn't it funny when you expect basic features or functions to be present they are not. With out you calling out this limitation and the update I would have assumed you could view at will.


This is why first hand experience and using a product is so key.


When I reviewed the feature list of the Door Bird compared to the others. It was clear to me there was more thought, consideration, and engineering, put into this product then many others.


Lets see if they make it in the next 18 months or is carried by some of the big electronic retail shops like Best Buys etc. 


Isn't it funny when you expect basic features or functions to be present they are not. With out you calling out this limitation and the update I would have assumed you could view at will.


This is why first hand experience and using a product is so key.


When I reviewed the feature list of the Door Bird compared to the others. It was clear to me there was more thought, consideration, and engineering, put into this product then many others.


Lets see if they make it in the next 18 months or is carried by some of the big electronic retail shops like Best Buys etc.

I cant find that they were a Kickstarter product. Also Live View is enabled now so it works as you would like. And regardless if they are in biz in 18 months whats the difference does it make since they provide local API and no monthly fees or service? So why would it matter?


I cant find that they were a Kickstarter product. Also Live View is enabled now so it works as you would like. And regardless if they are in biz in 18 months whats the difference does it make since they provide local API and no monthly fees or service? So why would it matter?


My comment was partly in terms of continued development of the product and API along with service and warranty support. I haven't looked at their current API but its never too surprising to see only a limited API to key features.


Again, with out looking at the API I am only guessing . . .


But if history is any indicator many of these companies offer only a very limited range of access and control of the hardware during initial release. If they folded tomorrow and someone needed more insight about the specifics of the API who are they going to ask?


A perfect example is Smartlabs and UDI in the support of Insteon products. Insteon has been on the market for more than 10 years now. One would think the API for any Insteon device would be the same and known to all.


Its only been three freaking months and UDI still does not have the API for the alert module?!? Keeping in mind my tongue and cheek reply here:


Isn't there a known standard and method to incorporate said hardware? Isn't there known programming attributes for Insteon hardware?


Its obvious to me Insteon, Z-Wave, ZigBee, all have huge failings in their API for integration. If this wasn't true why are we still waiting for documents for Insteon / Z-Wave?!?!?


So to say there is a API for this bird bell really in the big picture doesn't mean a lot given my example listed above. Well, besides them being forward thinking in providing it to the general public. Also, given this is a German company I am sure they have put in a lot more thought into the process when compared to most lazy North American companies. 


My comment was partly in terms of continued development of the product and API along with service and warranty support. I haven't looked at their current API but its never too surprising to see only a limited API to key features.


Again, with out looking at the API I am only guessing . . .


But if history is any indicator many of these companies offer only a very limited range of access and control of the hardware during initial release. If they folded tomorrow and someone needed more insight about the specifics of the API who are they going to ask?


A perfect example is Smartlabs and UDI in the support of Insteon products. Insteon has been on the market for more than 10 years now. One would think the API for any Insteon device would be the same and known to all.


Its only been three freaking months and UDI still does not have the API for the alert module?!? Keeping in mind my tongue and cheek reply here:


Isn't there a known standard and method to incorporate said hardware? Isn't there known programming attributes for Insteon hardware?


Its obvious to me Insteon, Z-Wave, ZigBee, all have huge failings in their API for integration. If this wasn't true why are we still waiting for documents for Insteon / Z-Wave?!?!?


So to say there is a API for this bird bell really in the big picture doesn't mean a lot given my example listed above. Well, besides them being forward thinking in providing it to the general public. Also, given this is a German company I am sure they have put in a lot more thought into the process when compared to most lazy North American companies.

I understand your point and agree. However two things. The API is out for Doorbird. So if the API gives you what you want NOW then buy it but don't expect more features. If they do add more great but if they dont, dont whine right?


Secondly for the alert module API if I was UDI I would be bothering SH everyday for the info. I am going to tread lightly as possible with my comments here as I dont want to piss off Michel but if you were him dont you think you would be wondering who your doing biz with? Are they a good partner? And quite simply why haven't they given it to them by now? And do I want to continue to do biz with a company like SH if they dont respect me? Not saying he's not, but seriously SH and UDI have been in biz together for a long time and doesnt seem like SH gives any professional preferential treatment to UDI. We all know how SH is though too so its not all on UDI.


I understand your point and agree. However two things. The API is out for Doorbird. So if the API gives you what you want NOW then buy it but don't expect more features. If they do add more great but if they dont, dont whine right?


Secondly for the alert module API if I was UDI I would be bothering SH everyday for the info. I am going to tread lightly as possible with my comments here as I dont want to piss off Michel but if you were him dont you think you would be wondering who your doing biz with? Are they a good partner? And quite simply why haven't they given it to them by now? And do I want to continue to do biz with a company like SH if they dont respect me? Not saying he's not, but seriously SH and UDI have been in biz together for a long time and doesnt seem like SH gives any professional preferential treatment to UDI. We all know how SH is though too so its not all on UDI.


Agreed, if you go on the mindset that the API from the bird bell is what it is and nothing more. That is the most realistic way to use and apply the product knowing its limitations. 


Like you if they offer more in the future that's gravy on the train . . .


With respect to the API to the Alert Module there is something going on with this. There is no freaking way it takes 3 months to document and publish a API to the vendors who support your hardware. My feelings which I have no proof to support my position is this is tied to the whole PLM chip issue.


Maybe a falling out of the two I don't know . . .


Maybe its the continued ineptness of the leadership from Joe Dadda and management and down? Nobody is going to convince me its been two freaking years and they haven't decided to sell PLM chips to the only vendor that supports your wares, none.


I have no clue what's going on with these two companies but people seriously need to get a grip and start acting like real business people. Business is about making money and supporting your vendors who in turn help you sell more products.


Business shouldn't be about how I am going to dick around with you and string you along because I am beholden to your business.


The hard reality of supporting Insteon alone was a mistake from the onset - But it was great to see UDI smell the coffee and decided to invest R&D into Z-Wave.


Now (IF) only they would bring that same forward thinking toward ZigBee! The reality is these three protocols are not going anywhere soon and many of the toy like contollers support the two major protocols that being Z-Wave / ZigBee.


UDI needs to start on the hardware road map where the next 995 - 999 includes the ability to support these two radio protocols. Insteon is simply a by product and relies on the 2413S PLM so that can hang on as long as its available.


I've been talking about this kind of stuff for more than 7 years and nobody is moving forward in this area. As I have stated probably a thousand times Joe Dadda needs to wake up, smell the coffee, and start getting serious about HA.


To know Insteon could be the leader in HA and be used all over the freaking world and its not is maddening and quite sad! 


This is the closest thing I've seen to what I'm looking for.  Frustratingly enough, I would need the bronze flush mount and it is a bit too big for the space I have.  I have a 6"x4" space -- I could probably squeeze a 7x5, but this is about 8" tall.  


Ugh.  I'll have to keep an eye on their products.  Maybe I'll print their mounting template and see exactly how it lines up.

  • 1 month later...

Check out this video:  http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/alberta-fires/doorbell-cam-captures-gripping-footage-of-fort-mcmurray-firefighters-at-work/ar-BBsQDpi?li=AAggNb9&ocid=iehp


Sorry, I don't know what brand this doorbell camera is, but it's a great demonstration of what a quality device can provide.  According to the article, this unit is still working, and the owner checks it every day from afar.





Check out this video: http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/alberta-fires/doorbell-cam-captures-gripping-footage-of-fort-mcmurray-firefighters-at-work/ar-BBsQDpi?li=AAggNb9&ocid=iehp


Sorry, I don't know what brand this doorbell camera is, but it's a great demonstration of what a quality device can provide. According to the article, this unit is still working, and the owner checks it every day from afar.



Looks to be this one:




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