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Schlage Lock, ISY and KPLs, Oh My


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Hi everyone - I'm new to the ISY, Z-Wave and the forum.  I've had an ad-hoc Insteon setup for years and have been quite pleased with its functionality.


Though I recognize the endless possibilities of the ISY and HA in general, my initial goal in getting the ISY (994iZW) was very modest - to add functionality to a z-wave deadbolt without getting a Nexia controller and sub.


Relevant Equipment:

Schlage BE-369 (non-motorized deadbolt)

KPL - 6 Button

ISY (Obviously)


My goals are:

1. Notify upon unlock (via email or sms) with user id  

2. User specific triggers upon unlock - Hall Lights on for User 1 (as an example)

3. Light specific KPL button upon unlock.


I could write a novel about what I've discovered and break this into at least 3 posts but I want to try and keep it concise for now - That is going to be a challenge.


The short story is - I have been unable to completely accomplish any of these.

First, discovery and config were a snap.  Everything, both Insteon and Z-wave appear to have been properly discovered.


My first issue is the nature of the non-motorized deadbolt.  The first thing I did was create a program that...


If unlocked via user code 1, send notification and turn on light.  Here's the first issue.

Unlike what I've read in the forum previously, my state and control are backward. (for me, state is 'unlocked' and control is Access Code - that's okay, but different behavior than most have already experienced.  Here's the issue.

Since I had a condition for both state is unlock and access code=1, it always failed and I couldn't figure out why.  Turns out that since unlock isn't automatic, these can never fire together.  When a user enters their code, that condition immediately triggers as true but the lock always shows as locked so that condition is always false.  By the time the user turns the bolt and changes state to unlocked, the condition has completed so ultimately fails.


So, that's unfortunate - I removed the unlock state condition and it works but entering a code doesn't always equal unlocking.  If a user enters a code (though not necessary) upon exit to lock the door after leaving, this also triggers the same condition.  Not sure how to fix this as I am not aware of a conditional delay, only an action delay.


So, I decided to just send a notification if state=unlock with variable showing user id, but I am unable to do this either.  The notification fires okay, but I cannot for the life of me figure out the variable.  


In previous posts, it has been stated to use the variable ${sys.node.#.USRNUM} - Easy enough I thought so I simply used that as is with no success.  I have since realized (I believe) that the # should be changed to my actual node which also didn't work.  After looking through the event viewer, I noticed that my schlage doesn't report USRNUM but UAC so I used that with no luck.  I have done every iteration I can think of with no success.  I hope I'm simply formatting the variable incorrectly.  Here are some examples of what I've used.

${sys.node.#.USRNUM} - ${sys.node.#.UAC} - ${sys.node.ZW003_1.USRNUM} - ${sys.node.ZW003_1.UAC} - They all show as blank in the email body.


So I abandoned that and decided to do something super simple - Light up a KPL button upon unlock. This has so far turned out to be the most frustrating attempt so far.


First, I simply added both to a scene hoping one would be a controller and the other a responder, but my first issue is that is appears that the lock cannot be a scene controller, only a responder so I created a program.

Then I found out that one cannot set a KPL button directly via program, that it must be done through a scene but I cannot for the life of me create a scene that uses the button as a responder that allows the scene to be chosen as an action in a program.  I could go into more detail but I have gone on long enough. 


So, after all of that, my questions are...


1.  Can one set a wait statement in a condition? Am I missing a way to use both an unlock and user ID in my condition?

2.  How does one add a User ID from a Schlage lock as a variable in an email?

3.  How in the world does one light up a KPL button via z-wave device OR how does one include a KPL button in a scene that allows it to be actionable in a program.


Also, any additional thoughts on any of this would be helpful.  It's both fun and frustrating to be a noob at something.  I can't wait to become more experienced and begin contributing to the forum!  Thanks-


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The 369 isn't actually on my door yet. I have it assembled on my desk as I confgure everything. I was torn between the 369 and 469. I just ordered a 469 to be here on Saturday ao I can compare the two. I do like the built in alarm and grade 1 classification. Ironically, the auto lock is my least favorite feature (I know.) I'm interested to see how it plays with the ISY compared to the other.

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Don't put a wait into a then clause with momentary if clauses. It won't wait! Once the if changes back, the wait is cancelled.


Create programs with the If to set a state variable to '1' based on your various lock state triggers.

Have a second program triggering of the state variable being '1', wait 30 seconds and turn it back to '0'. Mark this program to run at startup.

Have a third program that looks for the needed combination of state variables to do what you want to do.


For the KPL button, create a new scene and add the KPL button to it. If the KPL button is now a controller of another scene, I believe it will add automatically as a controller. That's OK. You should be able to have the program turn that scene on or off (changing the button state) quite easily.

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For the KPL button, create a new scene and add the KPL button to it. If the KPL button is now a controller of another scene, I believe it will add automatically as a controller. That's OK. You should be able to have the program turn that scene on or off (changing the button state) quite easily.


From my understanding and if I read this correctly, I cannot control a KPL button directly, only the responder that the KPL would be set to control within a single scene.  If that's true, the only way I can light a KPL button via a program is to put a responder in a scene controlled by a KPL button.  Then have the program turn that responder on which in turn lights up the KPL button controlling it.


Though I get it, I don't like this behavior as I have nothing I want controlled - I only want to light the button.  Technically, that is the responder, not the controller.


Though If I'm missing something, I think you're going to have to spell it out for me - I believe that your definition of "Quite Easily" and mine in this case differ quite a bit.

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Any time you want a secondary button to respond to a program, the button must be a scene member and you have to control the scene. If the button is a scene controller and you need to control the button only, but not the scene, then create a separate scene with the button as the only member/responder and control that scene.


I actually have several scenes that contain only a button for that very reason.

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Though I believe I know what you are all saying in principle, no matter what I do, I cannot get a program to even recognize a scene with only a KPL in it in order to create an action.


For example - One that does work. I have a scene to turn on Insteon Light-1 via KPL-3.  This shows up in a program as I can tell the program to 'In Scene' x set y to On.  This both turns the light on and lights up KPL button 3. But... I don't want to light something up.


What I want to do is light KPL-4 when Front Door Deadbolt (Schlage be469) is unlocked.


So, I setup a scene with KPL-4 as responder, setup a scene with KPL-4 as controller, setup a scene with KPL-4 as controller and Front Door Deadbolt as Responder and about 10 other iterations.  None of those show as valid scenes in a program.


Unless I setup an actual insteon responder (like a light) (which I don't want) - I am unable to make that silly little light on KPL button #4 to light up.

I can't believe I'm having this much difficulty with what seemed like such a simple task.


I did think of a workaround - Plug in a lamp module with nothing plugged into it and setup a scene with that as the responder and KPL4 as the controller - that would be allowed in a program - That just like both a waste of a module and that has to be unnecessary. I have to be missing something.

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I think you may be selecting the incorrect action.


The action you specified actually adjusts the membership of a scene (it's under 'Adjust Scene' - this is not what you want to simply turn a scene on or off).


To simply turn a scene on or off select 'Your Device' then 'Set' <scene name> On.

Create a scene with ONLY your KPL button in it. Give it a name. Turn it on (or off) as above.

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OMGoodness - You are absolutely correct in that I was using the wrong action. I completely overlooked the scenes in "Your Devices."

Now it works perfectly - Thank you so much!


How very cool it is (for me anyway) to see that little button light up when the front door is unlocked.

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