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Elk M1 + ISY - How To Capture Details When Zone Is Violated


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When my Elk M1 gold is armed and a zone becomes violated, my ISY notification does not display which zone was violated.  I receive the alert, but none of the Elk-specific details are populated when the notification is sent (except for the area name).



  • ISY994izw running latest production version (v4.5.1)
  • Elk M1 Gold
  • ISY Elk Module


Burglar Notification Program



    Elk Area 'House' 'Alarm State' is Burglar Alarm


    Send Notification to 'text' content 'burglary'


Notification (Custom Content)

  • Subject:  Intrusion Alarm - ${elk.zone.#.name}
  • Body:  ${alert.control} - ${elk.area.#.alarmState} - ${alert.control} ${alert.action} - ${elk.zone.#.name} - ${elk.zone.#.status}



I thought my question was clear in the Issue section but for clarity:



  • After reviewing my program and custom notification <above>, why doesn't the ISY/Elk populate the zone name which caused the violation?


  • I have ~150 zones (about 100 of them are door/window/motion sensors).

This is because the Elk module for ISY is half assed. Not all the options are available in the Elk ISY module that are in the Elk. I been complaining about this for a while. /end rant


The solution is to use the Elk to send the notifications to you via the rules section. Pushover works well. You just need to use the XEP.


If you need more help let me know and Ill help you drill down further specific to the zone and programs.


I had to create a seperate notification rule for each zone.... A pain to be sure, but you only have to do it once.


I've added every variable there was to add...none of them gives me the zone...you're not alone here. Mwareman has the correct solution for the ISY and Scott has an easier solution to implement.


There may be a way to hack this with the network module and REST but I'm no where near even being a novice with REST so I can't answer that with any certainty.


I use prowl for my notifications, prowl allows messages sent via email to a prowl created email address, to be pushed to iOS.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • 4 weeks later...


The solution is to use the Elk to send the notifications to you via the rules section. Pushover works well. You just need to use the XEP.


Scottmichaelj - this is interesting but I do not understand it.  Can you provide a little more explanation for me?




Scottmichaelj - this is interesting but I do not understand it. Can you provide a little more explanation for me?



Give me an detailed example what you want and Ill get you a sample rule.


Since I've been playing with the Elk for the past few weeks, I've been thinking a lot about the why and how of integration into the ISY.


ISY 5.0 will add a lot and I have hopes that will allow a lot more communication between the El and ISY.


I think this will offer a better solution to be developed.



Best regards,

Gary Funk


Since I've been playing with the Elk for the past few weeks, I've been thinking a lot about the why and how of integration into the ISY.


ISY 5.0 will add a lot and I have hopes that will allow a lot more communication between the El and ISY.


I think this will offer a better solution to be developed.



Best regards,

Gary Funk

I hope I am wrong but more functions need to be added to the ISY Elk module. If you compare the rule list on the Elk side vs the ISY side there are a lot of items missing. This has to be improved on the UDI module. This also brings me back to SSL port that still hasn't been fixed either and its now been over a year.


I hope I am wrong but more functions need to be added to the ISY Elk module. If you compare the rule list on the Elk side vs the ISY side there are a lot of items missing. This has to be improved on the UDI module. This also brings me back to SSL port that still hasn't been fixed either and its now been over a year.

Think Node Server.



Best regards,

Gary Funk


You can get the zone, you just have to create a separate notification per zone. Yeah it sucks, but until UDI improves the notification system in the ISY that's really the only option for sending the zone. I don't think Node server will help unless it had its own notification system.


Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk


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