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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Nest scenes into folders / organize / create heirarchy


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When making my 3 way circuit scenes (one for each member of my 3-way virtual circuit) my list of scenes is getting ... messy.


It would be nice to "group" all of my 3-way scenes into a "folder" so that I can zip them up in the tree and get them out of the way.


Maybe just use the windows vernacular and say "move to folder..." (not add to folder since you'll be REMOVING it from it's current root folder) So on the main tab, there can be a new button to create a folder (just like creating a scene) then right click a scene (or a selection of multiple scenes) and select "move to folder..." A dialog appears with the list of available folders; select the appropriate one and click "move" or "cancel" if you change your mind.


this doesn't affect functionality, but I'd find it helpful.

Guest bjcatlin
When making my 3 way circuit scenes (one for each member of my 3-way virtual circuit) my list of scenes is getting ... messy.


It would be nice to "group" all of my 3-way scenes into a "folder" so that I can zip them up in the tree and get them out of the way.


Maybe just use the windows vernacular and say "move to folder..." (not add to folder since you'll be REMOVING it from it's current root folder) So on the main tab, there can be a new button to create a folder (just like creating a scene) then right click a scene (or a selection of multiple scenes) and select "move to folder..." A dialog appears with the list of available folders; select the appropriate one and click "move" or "cancel" if you change your mind.


this doesn't affect functionality, but I'd find it helpful.


I would second this. In my case, though, I could have a folder for each room in my house, and in each folder, I could have the scenes that affect the devices in that room.


B. J.


For a three way circuit you should only have one scene that has all the devices in it as "controllers" so I am not sure why you have multiple scenes to folder up unless you’re talking about more than one three way circuit.


Three Way Scene

_____ Switch 1: Controller

_____ Switch 2: Controller

_____ Switch 3: Controller


The Network tree on the "Main tab" has been requested to be improved (but lets make this the offical post for the request because it's mashed in to one big requests post) to be the same as the tree widget in the programs area. It just may be out a release or two. Michel what’s your say on this?


+ Network

+ My Lighting

______+ Living Room

____________Main Light

____________Switched Outlet

____________Brass Lamp

______+ Family Room

____________Switched Outlet

__________+ Keypad Main Lights

________________A: Family Room Evening

________________B: Family Room Movie Time

________________C: Family Room Off

________________D: All Off

______+ Bedroom Room

____________Main Light

____________Switched Outlet

____________Bed Lamp

__________+ Bedroom Bath



+ My Scenes

______+ Family Room Evening Scene

______+ Family Room Movie Time Scene

______+ Family Room Off Scene

______+ All Off Scene

For a three way circuit you should only have one scene that has all the devices in it as "controllers" so I am not sure why you have multiple scenes to folder up unless you’re talking about more than one three way circuit.


Indeed, B.J. straightened me out on this one.


It would still be nice to organize the tree, just as you describe, except for the scenes as well.


I thought is was recommended to add all the responders first. That seems logical to me.


Set up the basic scene and then as you add controllers you can copy and modify the basic scene. Adding controllers takes the most time. Modifying any scene is quick.


I did the same thing (create new scenes for each controller) when I started with the ISY as well :roll: I very much enjoy the way it is implemented now.




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