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Turn on level based on time of day


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I have seen a couple threads talking about this before and did a search but couldn't find them.


What I am specifically looking to do is in our main bathroom if its during the day turn the lights to say 100% but if its 2am in the morning only turn the light level to 15% or so.


So using 2.6.14 (or earlier) has anyone found a good way to be able to set an on level based on the time of the day? If so could you please explain how and/or the code?

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This is one way of doing it and there are several. Since you mentioned 'Scene' here is a method using scenes and a program.


Create a scene called 'Bathroom' and add the lights you intend to use. Create a program in the following manner using your own device names. You might have to adjust the 'Sunrise' setting to suit your requirements.





       From     2:00:00AM
       To      Sunrise (same day)

       In Scene 'Bathroom' Set 'Bathroom Light' 15% (On Level)
       Set Scene 'Bathroom' On

       In Scene 'Bathroom' Set 'Bathroom Light' 100% (On Level)
       Set Scene 'Bathroom' On

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This is one way of doing it and there are several. Since you mentioned 'Scene' here is a method using scenes and a program.


Create a scene called 'Bathroom' and add the lights you intend to use. Create a program in the following manner using your own device names. You might have to adjust the 'Sunrise' setting to suit your requirements.





       From     2:00:00AM
       To      Sunrise (same day)

       In Scene 'Bathroom' Set 'Bathroom Light' 15% (On Level)
       Set Scene 'Bathroom' On

       In Scene 'Bathroom' Set 'Bathroom Light' 100% (On Level)
       Set Scene 'Bathroom' On


I followed this program exactly as you listed and tried it tonight, however it doesn't work properly. I did make some changes and it now seems to work ok. I had to raise the ramp rate to 6.5 because it would go to 50% or so then drop back to 15% causing a flicker effect. Not sure why that's happening but it does. Also dumped the whole scene thing all together. Thanks for the help, I always forget how the 'Else' works and other ways it can be used.




From 10:00PM

To Sunrise + 30 minutes (next day)

And Control 'MBath - WC' is switched On



Set 'MBath - WC' 15%



Set 'MBath - WC' On

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I have seen a couple threads talking about this before and did a search but couldn't find them.


What I am specifically looking to do is in our main bathroom if its during the day turn the lights to say 100% but if its 2am in the morning only turn the light level to 15% or so.


So using 2.6.14 (or earlier) has anyone found a good way to be able to set an on level based on the time of the day? If so could you please explain how and/or the code?


The only way to change the local level involves resetting the switch.


Is that your intention? If so assign a low light level to the switch (local level) and use a program like this:


       From    Sunrise
       To      Sunset  (same day)
   And Status  'Bathroom' > Off

       Set 'Bathroom' Fast On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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My appologies, I interpreted you as meaning the lights will be on 24/7 with changing light levels at the stated times. Glad you got it working.




I followed this program exactly as you listed and tried it tonight, however it doesn't work properly. I did make some changes and it now seems to work ok. I had to raise the ramp rate to 6.5 because it would go to 50% or so then drop back to 15% causing a flicker effect. Not sure why that's happening but it does. Also dumped the whole scene thing all together. Thanks for the help, I always forget how the 'Else' works and other ways it can be used.

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This is one way of doing it and there are several. Since you mentioned 'Scene' here is a method using scenes and a program.


Create a scene called 'Bathroom' and add the lights you intend to use. Create a program in the following manner using your own device names. You might have to adjust the 'Sunrise' setting to suit your requirements.





       From     2:00:00AM
       To      Sunrise (same day)

       In Scene 'Bathroom' Set 'Bathroom Light' 15% (On Level)
       Set Scene 'Bathroom' On

       In Scene 'Bathroom' Set 'Bathroom Light' 100% (On Level)
       Set Scene 'Bathroom' On


I followed this program exactly as you listed and tried it tonight, however it doesn't work properly. I did make some changes and it now seems to work ok. I had to raise the ramp rate to 6.5 because it would go to 50% or so then drop back to 15% causing a flicker effect. Not sure why that's happening but it does. Also dumped the whole scene thing all together. Thanks for the help, I always forget how the 'Else' works and other ways it can be used.




From 10:00PM

To Sunrise + 30 minutes (next day)

And Control 'MBath - WC' is switched On



Set 'MBath - WC' 15%



Set 'MBath - WC' On


Hi there,


I have a large number of switches in the house that do exactly what you are looking for. During the day, they turn on to 100%, in the evening they turn on to 75%. I have some (for example the Master Bath) that overnight turn on to 50%. In the AM the Master bath turns on to 50% then very slowly fades up to 75%. I control all of this with scenes. I have a different scene for each level of lighting, and I have generated a bunch of programs that are triggered when the switch is turned on, and according to the time, the appropriate scene is turned on. In the list of devices, you have to turn the ramp time to 4.5 seconds or higher. The reason for this is that if your switch has an ON ramp time of 2 seconds and you turn the switch ON, by the time that the ISY receives the ON command, evaluates the programs, and sends out the commands to set the dimmer to the appropriate level based on the scene, the dimmer has already almost fully turned on the light. This causes a strobe effect where the dimmer ramps up, then the scene command arrives and the dimmer has to fade back down. If you extend the ramp time on the dimmer, then it won't have ramped up before the scene command arrives. Of course, as part of this, you have to set the ramp time for the scenes to 2 seconds, so that they are faster than the ramp time of the dimmer.



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