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Can't get my Door/Window Sensor from Aeotec to work

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I'm trying to get my door/window sensor (gen 5) from aeotec to work with my isy. When I added it to the network there was no error message, the tamper alarm works fast and reliably but the binary (magnetic) sensor is always stuck on whatever the last value before query was, and it doesn't change unless I request another query.


Also, another thing I find weird (but I'm not sure if it is as I'm still a beginner when it comes to zwave) is that I can see changes on the event viewer:

mar 12/06/2016 05:20:31 PM : [ZWAVE BASIC     ] ZW003_1 Reports value 255
mar 12/06/2016 05:20:31 PM : [ZWAVE BASIC     ] ZW003_1 Reports value 255
mar 12/06/2016 05:20:32 PM : [ZWAVE BASIC     ] ZW003_1 Reports value 0
mar 12/06/2016 05:20:33 PM : [ZWAVE BASIC     ] ZW003_1 Reports value 255
mar 12/06/2016 05:20:33 PM : [ZWAVE BASIC     ] ZW003_1 Reports value 0
But the status on screen remains the same.
At first, I thought the isy knew the actual status even if it did not display the changes on the screen, but I don't think that's the case as I made a program trying to unlock and lock my door according to the sensor status and it never worked. 
Isy994i zw/ir   firmware 4.5.4
Any suggestions? 
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