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Alpha / Beta Testing - Vendor Reporting


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Like many of you - Lots of us have actively participated in various Alpha / Beta trials. The over all goal for me has always been to help make a better product in terms of human ergonomics, features, integration, and long term reliability of the product / service in hopes of increasing customer satisfaction and customer retention.


There are always small nuances in software vs hardware but the key thing has always been to identify unknown bugs to the vendor(s) in hopes of resolving them and offering a better product. I have been a long term Alpha / Beta tester for some of the largest companies in the world.


It has always been quite the honor to help such companies in offering feedback regarding product development and QA.


Over the many years my direct feedback to the larger companies spanning from: Apple, Adobe, APC, Armstrong, Assa, Axis, Black Berry, Bosch, Carver, DSC, DBX, Direct TV, Denon, DeWalt, Cisco, Eaton, Fluke, Ford, First Alert, GM, Honda, Honeywell, Toyota, Leviton, Paradox, Pioneer, Medico, Makita, Under Armour, Microsoft, Mobotix, Nokia, Nike, North Face, Nakamichi, Telus, Rogers, Intel, Google, Pelco, Sony, Sylvania, Xerox, etc.


Has in some small way made the final product better, than it was before.


As the new era has begun in the crowd funding arena via Kickstarter / IndiGoGo. Nothing has pleased me more than to help start up companies or much smaller ones to exceed in the crowded market place.


I can honestly say it has been my extreme pleasure and honor to help the following companies in testing, QA, and improving the human ergonomic elements of their product(s).


Autelis, Auris, Aquanta, Brultech, Insteon, Water Hero, Weather Flow, Universal Devices, etc.


Its safe to say each and every one of their products / services has allowed me and millions of others to enjoy home automation to the fullest. It comes as no great surprise the smaller companies have always been agile, quicker, responsive, and more capable in taking on user feedback to help improve their wares.


Today I received a email that actually called out how many interactions and customer feedback data points to the Kwikset company. Considering my relationship with the company has spanned a few years I was a little surprised by the metrics.


8 activity's with a whopping 10,713 data points of review and feedback!


LOL . . .


All I can say is those interested in a new lock set for their homes should wait and see what comes to market in the not too distant future. Some of which I truly believe will knock your socks off and finally bring the smart lock into a serious realm of true security for all.


In closing, since this post is obviously in the UDI forum. Its no great surprise I hold the Universal Devices Inc.company in the highest regard. Not only being the most active company ever known to man in terms of Home Automation. But offering truly the bench mark for service after the sale and pushing the envelope of customer service.


Often times people say it comes from the top down . . .


This is readily apparent by Michel Kohanim the CEO of UDI - I have yet to see one CEO from any small to large company ever consistently participate actively in a open forum. Most times offering technical support, guidance, and insight to a users issues.


Besides offering feedback to the customer, Michel has continued to lead the industry by accepting customer feedback in how to make their product better. Often times Michel has taken a few shots to the chin from customers and I dare say even from me!


LOL . . .


True to form, over the last 5-6 years I hope he knows my heart is in right place. As my only goal is to push ISY Series Controller to be the supreme commander in all Home Automation related tasks. It goes with out saying with out the tight integration of the 994 Series Controller with my Brultech Green Eye Monitor.


My energy monitoring / energy management would have never materialized.


So, much thanks to Michel, and everyone behind the scenes at UDI that make the company great! Wishing you all the very best this Christmas and the New Year.


May happiness, laughter, long life, and prosperity follow your foot steps each and every day.


Thank You!




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Can you summarize your post in 200 words?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


- Love to Alpha / Beta testing

- Help companies to improve their products

- Been doing this for a long time

- Small companies are more agile, responsive, and willing to take on user feedback

- UDI leads the market in customer service after the sale. and engagement of the customer

- Kwickset indicates 8 active projects receiving 10,713 data points to improve their hardware

- Wishing everyone happiness, long life, and prosperity in 2017

How about five?


"Thank you and Merry Christmas."


I'm Gary Funk and I wrote this message.


I tried sorry . . .

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Hi Teken,


Thanks so very much for the feedback and accolades. This types of posts is basically what we all strive for at UDI as, without our customers, we are nothing. And, without all of your support, feedback, suggestions, and even hits to the chin, we would not be where we are right now. So, thank you all for all your help and support.


Happy Holidays to all.


With kind regards,


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