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Alexa - Go outside!


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I love and despise the idea of a home microphone such as Alexa.

It's so Jetsons and 1984 at the same time.

I'm thinking there needs to be a way to communicate to the LAN and the WAN separately (recognizing the need for speech logic to then be maintained locally. Yet I could benefit from my own auto correct).

Would be great if a "local dot" could cause another dot to quickly enable its Internet microphone.

How quickly does the dot boot up if unplugged?





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If you're concerned about the privacy implications of Echo, you may want to consider something like Mycroft. While for the foreseeable future it will still use cloud services to perform the STT functions, the rest of the intelligence is local and because it's open source they're much more privacy-focused (and auditable). It's currently due to land sometime in Feb-Mar...


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