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X10 devices

James Peterson

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I got a report on the user reviews that X10 devices were not working.  Can I get a confirmation of this?  I have only one X10 device and it seems to work fine.   The ISY reports back and everything seems to be working correctly.  


p.s.  I just realized that the details activity is not implemented yet, but that is just a switch that I can turn on next update. 

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  • 7 months later...

Yes it appears I have problems which may have to do with with X10 devices - which is the majority of the devices I have controlled via an model "ISY 99i 256" running version 3.1.3 of the firmware.  (I note the Java UI I use to program the ISY tells me the latest version I could upgrade to is 3.3.10)


This is with Agave Android App v1.6.633 Avocado.


Once I logged in to the ISY via Agave (not using Portal - not sure this an option on my unit), the Rooms syncs with Scenes from the ISY no problem.  All the devices also appear in Agave OK.


1.  First problem is the programs don't appear in Agave, not the Int or State Vars.  When I go into the program section in Agave it says  "refreshing data" and then "Update failed - no network connection" in a grey rounded rectangle towards the bottom of the screen and then "no data" is shown on the programs tab.  The refresh icon to the right of "no data" doesn't do anything.   I have debug mode on but don't see how to get any more detailed technical information to report to you.


2.  Second problem is that the names of the (X10) devices in the rooms are truncated to about ~16 characters (depending on glyph width) - most of my names are longer than this and often the differentiation between devices is after character #16.  So I can't tell which device is which in Agave! :-(


Example a device with the name "A02-DCK-Railing Lights" appears in Agave as "A02-DCK-Railing"


3. The current state of the devices does not show correctly in Agave; indeed the status appears to be random - with devices that the ISY shows as on being off, and vice versa.  Changing the state of a device via the ISY Web Interface and stopped and restarting Agave doesn't lead to a change in the state of the device in Agave.  


Choosing "Refresh Data" from "Settings" gives the error "Update  Failed.  Waiting for Connection" in a grey rounded rectangle towards the bottom of the screen. 


4. When I try to change the state of an X10 device in Agave nothing happens and I see on screen "update failure" in a grey rounded rectangle towards the bottom of the screen. 


5.  The one Insteon Device I have an EXIO8SA (http://www.smarthome.com/smartenit-ezio8sa-insteon-compatible-input-output-controller.html) appears under "sensors/security" under "things".  It  also doesn't appear to be displaying its status correctly, nor are changes to its status showing.  When I try to change the state of one of the "outputs" of this device I get the message "Update Failure" in a grey rounded rectangle towards the bottom of the screen. 


Is it because I'm running an old version of the firmware on my ISY or is it something to do with X10 devices?

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