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Problems replacing existing dead switches


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I have about 35  switches in my house, all dual band, mostly SLDs with some KPLs, two access points.  Some die form time to time and I am in the process of replacing a few and trying to drop them into existing scenes.  Problem is I can't seem to even get the new ones recognized by my 994i.  At the outset I discovered my PLM was dead so the first order of business was to order a new one and restore it.  This has worked.  I have a green light on it and no longer get the "can't communicate with PLM" error message.


When I first log in I get 9 "Cannot Communicate" error messages, 3 with switches that have died or been removed and 6 with switches that are perfectly functional and can be controlled (variably) through the panel.


I have installed one new 8 button KPM to replace a dead one and ditto for an SLD.


I am trying to get the console to add the new KPM and getting nowhere.  The KPM functions to control its load.  I push in the set button on the KPM (model # 2334-222), get a chirp and a green flashing light with regular periodicity (~ 1/second).


I then go to the admin console and select "New Insteon Device" and dutifully plug in the address, a unique descriptor and have tried both auto discover and selecting the precise device description (I assume that the "2334-2 8 button dimmer" option is the right one, it is the closest in the drop down list to what I have).  I either get a series of "System busy" count up bars for various switches or nothing at all.  Sometimes I will get notifications that some of the switches can't be communicated with.  As I indicated above, I can, in fact control these, variably, from the admin console.  Sometimes I have to toggle 'on' or 'off' a few times to get the switch and load to respond but they generally work.


What does not happen is recognition and registration of the new switch. The set status eventually times out with a chirp. No matter what I try or how often, I can't seem to get the system to register the new KPM.


Not sure if this makes any difference but nearly on in this process I did see the new KPM pop up in my device list.  The console crashed shortly after this and when I rebooted it was no longer in the list. 


Any guidance on what to try next would be appreciated.  Thanks.



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It doesn't matter as long as you put the ISY in linking mode before the device times out, usually within 4 minutes. But, there's no opportunity to enter and address if you put the device in linking mode first and select Start Linking (rotating arrows icon). And if you select New INSTEON Device (light bulb icon), then you should not put the device into linking mode at all.

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Thank you for your comments.  I was doing things wrong in terms of putting it in linking mode and entering the address.  I have since tried both methods ("Start Linking" and "Add New Insteon Device") properly with the KPL I reference above and also a newly installed SLD that I had not tried.


When I used Start Linking with the SLD, it worked insofar as I could see the new device pop up on the left side menu.  I selected the old (dead) switch I wanted to replace, chose "Replace With" (and picked the new switch), the system then started that process.  But then the console crashed and when I rebooted it, the new device was no longer listed in the left hand menu.  And when I chose Start Linking and place it in Linking Mode, it no longer gets recognized.  And if I try Add New Device and enter the address (without placing the device linking mode first) then nothing happens either.


In retrospect, this is what happened with the KPL I tried to link in the first place.  I saw the device pop up in the left hand menu, then the console crashed and once I relaunched it, the device was no longer in the list and I can't get it back.


Any ideas?  This is beyond frustrating.


I currently have a "Restore Devices" process going on the system bc I can't think of anything else to try.


Many thanks in advance. 

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The ISY normally shuts down after replacing a device. When restarted, you will no longer "see" the new device because it has taken all the characteristics of the old device; links, name and all. The only difference is that the Insteon ID will be that of the new device.

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