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MobiLinc and Alexa update - 3-8-2017


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Hi Folks,


Just wanted to let everyone know about an Alexa update we pushed to the servers this morning.


You can now set multiple names per device, scene or program instead of being limited to just one name per item. Example, let's say you have an upstairs light near the stairs. If you set the Spoken field to: "upstairs light, stair lights, family room lights" the MobiLinc skill will now split the Spoken name into three items that all point back to the one upstairs light. You can then tell Alexa: "Alexa, turn on stair lights" or "Alexa, turn the family room lights off" or "Alexa, turn the upstairs lights on" and all three will command your one device.


This also applies to the Program name as well. For those with custom responses, all items created will get the same custom response.

Example: Program name is: "upstairs light, stair lights, family room lights (your wish is my command)"

The MobiLinc Custom skill will have Alexa say "your wish is my command" if any of the three names for that program are said ("Alexa, tell MobiLinc to run program stair lights").


Because of changes necessary to support multiple names per single device, you might need to go into the Alexa app and "Forget all devices and groups" before saying "Alexa, tell MobiLinc to refresh devices" followed by "Alexa tell MobiLinc to Discover Devices". This should only be a one-time fix to address possible duplicate items that may appear in your Discovered Devices list.


Also included in the update is better email communication with the linked account holder to help communicate errors and missing requirements when linking/using the Smart Home and Custom MobiLinc skills.



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