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Newb digging for info

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Hi all, this is my first post, thanks for having me. I am building a new house and I want to automate it. I'm an electrician/HVAC tech, but have been in industrial maintenance for the last 14 years. A lot has come down the pike in home automation since then and it can be a little overwhelming. I've done some research and I believe I'm headed in the right direction. I do still have some questions, so if this is in the wrong forum I apologize.

I plan to use an ELK M1 for my security and an ISY944i for the home automation with insteon/zwave devices. Besides the m1, isy, and devices what else do I need (cables, cards, modules, PLM, anything else) to connect all of it. Also, when it comes to programming, how do they talk? Does one slave off of the others programming? Is there a comm adapter that lets them talk? How do I control HVAC (I plan to use Honeywell controls), Audio (I can link to what plan to use, it's an HTD product), and finally irrigation? This may be a lot of stuff to answer, but I want everything ironed out before we even break ground (about 1.5 months). Thanks in advance.

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All communication between Insteon devices is handled by the ISY, basically drag and drop. Z-wave devices usually require programs as do thermostats. Audio usually requires a network module (if you audio can be network controlled). Otherwise, you'll need hird party software plus hardware (e.g., Harmony) and Amazon Echo and corresponding skill. There are a few irrigation products, I use one that's not ISY compatible.


Yes, you will need a serial PLM. Most cabling has nothing to do with the ISY specifically (e.g., audio, video, networking, etc.)

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I believe the integration between elk and ISY requires a software module, added once you have the ISY.


There are several versions of the ISY.  Make sure you get the one that includes the z-wave capability (not all do).


Control of HVAC is probably easiest if one uses an insteon or zwave thermostat.


Elk and ISY communicate through your home network.


Irrigation can be typically controlled via insteon devices.  There is a device specifically for irrigation.


Some gadgets can be controlled by IR commands.  For those, the ISY can be programmed to control them, but would require an insteon IRLinc (emitter) or something similar (I use a WF2IR from itach).  You did not specify what "audio" you wish to integrate (other than "HTD") but if it is IR controlled, that could work. 


There is a software "network" module that can communicate with all sorts of things on the network, but may take a bit (or a lot) of investigation and experimentation to find the right commands.


To get much more ironed out may take identification of specific devices and clarification of the relationship you desire between them and the ISY. 

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Actually, the ISY communicates to the PLM via your LAN (router). The PLM communicates to Insteon devices using the powerline and RF.


You cannot control IR equipment using the ISY. The ISY IR module is a receiver only. You can use an existing IR remote to trigger ISY programs.

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You cannot control IR equipment using the ISY


Actually, one CAN control IR equipment using the ISY.  Like I stated earlier, I use a gadget called the WF2IR.  It requires the network module.  I am sure that there are other similar gadgets available.  There is also an IRLinc emitter that (I assume) could be used to control IR devices in response to ISY commands. 


Stusviews is correct, I believe, when stating that one cannot control IR devices using the IR receiver built into some ISY versions.  It does require separate hardware.


Actually, the ISY communicates to the PLM via your LAN (router).


It is my understanding that the ISY communicates to the PLM via network cable directly connected between the ISY and the PLM.  One could unplug the cable between ISY and router and the ISY and PLM would continue to communicate and operate. 

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