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Insteon 2982-222 Smoke Bridge false alarms


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I have been having a problem with the Smoke Bridge seemingly generating false alarms in the linked First Alert detector.


Here is the set up:

 - All Insteon devices are controlled by an ISY994i

 - All smoke detectors have been replaced during debugging

 - All but one alarm are hardwire powered and interconnected

 - The one wireless alarm does not seem to be involved in the problem as I can power it on or off (battery in or out) without affecting the false alarm problem

 - The detector connecting to the wireless detector and linked to the Smoke Bridge is a First Alert SA520

 - The Smoke Bridge activates an ISY program that switches on interior and exterior lights when an alarm is detected

 - I tried relocating the SA520 to a different point on the hardwire network to assure that it was not being triggered by any nearby environmental conditions


Here is what happens:

 - Most days a false alarm will be triggered between 7pm and 11pm, though they occasionally come outside these hours

 - The detector reporting the alarm is the SA520 linked to the Smoke Bridge (as shown by the led flash code on the detector)

 - If the Smoke Bridge is unplugged the detectors work normally without false alarms

 - If the SA520 is disconnected from the hardwire interconnect to the other alarms (thus operating on internal battery power only) and the Smoke Bridge is left on, there are no false alarms


My guess is that there is some interaction between the inter-detector communications (hardwire) and the link to the Smoke Bridge (wireless), or that the communications between the ISY and the SA520 via the Smoke Bridge are triggering the alarms.


Any ideas, suggestions, or help?

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I'm sorry but you will need to help me out a little here as I read your reply a few times and was still confused.


1. Are you saying the actual First Alert smoke alarm is activating? Yes / No

2. You believe when the Insteon Smoke Bridge is linked to the smoke alarm its the root cause? Yes / No

3. Is the 120 VAC First Alert smoke alarm the only hardware linked to the Insteon Smoke Bridge? Yes / No

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I'm sorry but you will need to help me out a little here as I read your reply a few times and was still confused.


1. Are you saying the actual First Alert smoke alarm is activating? Yes / No

2. You believe when the Insteon Smoke Bridge is linked to the smoke alarm its the root cause? Yes / No

3. Is the 120 VAC First Alert smoke alarm the only hardware linked to the Insteon Smoke Bridge? Yes / No

1. Yes - The First Alert smoke detector linked to the smoke bridge is activating (and triggering the other First Alert detectors and the Smoke Bridge/ISY Program)

2. Probably? - When the bridge is powered off, the problem does not occur

3. Yes - The only detector hardware linked is the First Alert, though of course the Smoke Bridge is also linked to the ISY 994i

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OK, I want you to delete the smoke bridge from the ISY Series Controller. Once done follow the hard reset procedures outlined in the full users manual for the smoke bridge.


When that is done add the smoke bridge back to ISY Series Controller. Link the Smoke alarm to the smoke bridge.


Complete and verify the testing process does indeed activate all the various nodes in the smoke bridge.


While this test is being performed I want all the other wireless smoke alarms left unpowered / no batteries.


If the test completes fine sit and wait a few days and report back if that single 120 VAC smoke alarm trips.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Success remains elusive.


I performed resets on both the Smoke Bridge and on the First Alert alarm.


I reinstalled the First Alert alarm but did not link it either to the other wireless detector nor to the Smoke Bridge. I left this for a week during which time there were no false alarms.


I linked (and tested) the Smoke Bridge to the First Alert alarm and got my first false alarm almost exactly 24 hours after linking.


I got another false alarm close to the next 24 hour "anniversary" of linking. At this point I unplugged the Smoke Bridge and left it off.


During the next 24 hours I got two more false alarms from the First Alert alarm.


After resetting the First Alert alarm and reinstalling it without linking and without power to the Smoke Bridge I have had no further false alarms.


So what I am deducing from this is that the problem seems to be induced by linking the Smoke Bridge to the alarm, though the problem appears to be in the First Alert alarm as it persists even when the Smoke Bridge is powered down but goes away when the First Alert alarm is hard reset.


I remain stumped.

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Success remains elusive.


I performed resets on both the Smoke Bridge and on the First Alert alarm.


I reinstalled the First Alert alarm but did not link it either to the other wireless detector nor to the Smoke Bridge. I left this for a week during which time there were no false alarms.


I linked (and tested) the Smoke Bridge to the First Alert alarm and got my first false alarm almost exactly 24 hours after linking.


I got another false alarm close to the next 24 hour "anniversary" of linking. At this point I unplugged the Smoke Bridge and left it off.


During the next 24 hours I got two more false alarms from the First Alert alarm.


After resetting the First Alert alarm and reinstalling it without linking and without power to the Smoke Bridge I have had no further false alarms.


So what I am deducing from this is that the problem seems to be induced by linking the Smoke Bridge to the alarm, though the problem appears to be in the First Alert alarm as it persists even when the Smoke Bridge is powered down but goes away when the First Alert alarm is hard reset.


I remain stumped.


At this juncture I would submit a RMA with First Alert and have the 120 VAC One Link sensor replaced and rinse & repeat the tests when it comes in. I've personally never heard or read of anyone ever having the specific issue you describe.


That really is a new issue never seen before . . .


I would be very curious if you simply link just one wireless unit to the smoke bridge to see what happens. Please ensure the 120 VAC is deleted from the Smoke Bridge following the hard reset and deleting it from the ISY Series Controller, first!


NOTE: Have you tried to clean the smoke alarm with compressed air in case there is some fluff / dirt inside?

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I already replaced the First Alert alarm with a new one since I though perhaps that was where the problem was, so I think a third replacement is unlikely to change things. 


I wondered if perhaps some line noise issue on the 120v interconnected alarms might be the problem, but I had no luck there. It did give me the opportunity to open all the junction boxes and confirm that all the detectors were correctly wired and that the signal line had good connections at all locations.


At this point I guess I will just leave the Smoke bridge unused and set it all aside for a while.

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