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Good morning.


I need some help getting my system back up and running.


I had a Dell XPS701 running Vista and all was good until the Dell motherboard died. Long story to short, Ihave a new machine running XP professional - SP3 and all is very good and stable except for seeing "My Lighting" in the Network Places. I tried everything I could but to no avail.


I have ISY26 and it controls nearly 75 various devices throughout my home and currently the system is in manual chaos.


Could someone point me in the right direction? If upgrading to the ISY99 would help - not a problem for me.



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OH yes. Snow storm.

My home gets drifts. So even though I believe we may have gotten 8" of snow. About 14" in front of my garage and top driveway. :roll:


I liked Classic View and it took me awhile to stumble on the cause in my case. I hope it maybe yours too.

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