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BETA Release 2.7.1 is now available


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Same as other user above: Invalid Length.


It hangs at somewhere between 2 - 13% most of the time, although once I made it all the way to 31%. I AM clearing the java files (as always), and now I've tried updating on three different machines: An HP running XP Media Center, a Thinkpad running XP Pro, and even a Mac running NO antivirus or firewall software! Note that I've always had problems updating the firmware in my ISY, but now it's become impossible, at least with this beta version.


I am using a 99I Pro, with firmware 2.7.0 (took forever to get it to THAT version)...


The amount of time I'm having to put into this thing is absolutely ridiculous, and I hope you guys fix this updating problem SOON, please.


I'm sorry you're having all these troubles with the firmware update. As far as I know, we are only able to duplicate this type of issue in-house when:

- using anti-virus/firewall software that is blocking the Admin Console

- using a bad or problematic network switch or router

- using a poor wifi connection


I personally experienced a router that was corrupting network traffic causing symtoms as you described. Typical web browsing was fine, but it would fail the ISY firmware update every time. Replacing the router solved the problem immediately.


You are trying the upgrade from a hardwired connection, correct? If you're familiar enough with network configuration, might I suggest trying the upgrade with a crossover cable plugged directly between one of your PCs and the ISY? This would eliminate other network equipment in case they are causing the issue. If this does work for you, I'd love to find out what brand/model network switch and/or router you are using.



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One struggle I do have is I created a scene in ISY Admin Console and added both the dimmers to it...and within ISY they work in unison....and dim or what ever together....but over in the Elk side of things, they can only turn on and off, I want them to dim, and yes I have adjusted the lighting table to 'Dimmer' from 'On/Off". I suspect I need to make an adjustment to the export file or something in the ISY prior to sending the export file to the Elk....Anyone have thoughts on that?


Glad to hear you're up and running! I haven't played much with Elk integration yet, so am not very familiar with it. If you don't receive an answer here, please consider posting the question in our Elk forum.

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Same issue. tried 2.7.2 and same error. I have a IS99y IR pro.


I assume you've disabled all firewall and anti-virus software? If so, please submit a trouble ticket here:




If you provide us with your external URL (if available) and login information we can try to upgrade your firmware remotely to rule out a hardware issue on the ISY.



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