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Is there any option to CAO Sensors? Parameters are humidity, temperature, movement


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I'm looking for a sensor to implement into my device on the field. The purpose is I want to get notified if my device's temperature, humidity is changed abnormally. I also would like to have a notification if device is moved without my permission. We can call it as movement detector.


I just found CAO Sensors - www.wirelesstag.net - but they do not ship to Turkey. I think that solution exactly fits into my needs. Could you suggest me one more sensor for my goals?


The progress I basically imagine is I want to integrate Tag manager to WIFI Router and sync.ed them with sensors. At the end of the day, I can get notified if something goes wrong by e-mails or pop-ups on the mobile apps.


I can buy more than 1,000sensors.


Thank you so much!



You could always use a freight forwarder to ship the items to your final destination. Given the volume you intend to purchase it would save you on over all shipping costs.


You could always use a freight forwarder to ship the items to your final destination. Given the volume you intend to purchase it would save you on over all shipping costs.


Thanks Teken! This solutions is looking good but at the first stage, I need to try those sensors and tag managers. If they work successfully, I can order it more. By the way, the main problem they have is their customer services. I think it's not a good point to work with them for corporate collaborations. But please provide me a freight forwarder.


Thanks in advance.


Can't think of one off the top of my head but would encourage you to perform a search and see which companies service your location and what the fees are. It would probably be easier for you to find a person in NA to send you a small sample so you could at least play with the system.


Once you were sure of its operations and if it met your needs you could entertain using a freight forwarder service provider.


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