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You get no yogurt!


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Thanks for sharing Mike. The other foible is that mine is near the family room and picks up when a TV commercial says "Alex order my favorite pizza".. Alexa turns blue and listens, and then drops. I don't know if its because they've figured out how to detect TV commercials, or because the first thing I did on my Dot was disable buying.


The article talks about controlling lights being difficult, but its probably the number 1 thing we do with it (including other HA), and its extremely rarely that she says "ok" and it doesn't respond when using the ISY.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a chuckle last week when one of the local electronics stores was trying to demo Google Home at the local tv station.  Guess he had trouble with the wifi connection, because his unit wasn't answering anything.  Mine, however was hearing every request and responding faithfully.


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