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Close, but no cigar-I mean no open


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I discovered accidentally that I can use "close" with some programs, but not "open." I do have two programs ((identical, except for which of two identical devices they control) where both open (Then) and close (Else) work.

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Also, isn't 'open' blacklisted by Amazon (they don't want to allow people to accidentally allow people to 'open' zwave locks by voice, by yelling from outside...


Not so. I agree that "open" doesn't work for locks whereas "close" does, but both commands work reliably with our garage doors. I never use it outdoors nor do I ever raise my voice for that task. In fact, I never use any Alexa command where it can be overheard.

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Certainly, open used to be blacklisted. I gave up on Alexa and moved to Google Home when Home got multi user recognition. So, I'll leave it to those with more in depth knowledge on the subject.


And for the security issue, Alexa listens in the ultrasonic range as well as regular sonic range. You can record 'Alexa, open front door' and blast it at ultrasonic frequencies that cannot be heard by people, but will drive a dog crazy. If Alexa is setup to respond to that command, your door will open.


It's not about people overhearing you.

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This is not specific to programs.


In the Smart Home skill V2, programs, state vars, scenes and regular devices are all exposed to Alexa as devices.


Alexa has no way to know this is a program.


I didn't mean that the command was restricted to programs, only that "close" worked and "open" didn't. In every other situation where those command worked, both did.


Open is a word used to invoke a custom skill, like in "Alexa, open izzy"


It's probably the reason why we can't use it to "open" a device.


Again, not so. I can also use both "open" and "close" to control KPLs and SwitchLincs.

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