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Making and ISY994i a secondary Zwave controller to Honeywell Tuxedo Touch


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Hi.   A few years ago I bought an ISY994i with Zwave and X10 option to migrate some of my legacy X10 to Zwave.  I'd just updated my security system with Honeywell Tuxedo Touch keypads which supported Zwave and scenes.   I programmed the keypad to detect motion sensors tripping and turn on/off lamps with Zwave plug-in controllers to light my path or turn off lights when I go to/from rooms.   It works pretty well.


I have three Tuxedo Touch keypads with one as the 'primary' Zwave controller and the other two enrolled as secondary.  (My long term goal here is to have something happen on a Zwave device and have the ISY do something to an Insteon device...)


I'd like to enroll my ISY994i as a secondary controller but can't seem to get it to happen.


 -  Product ISY 994i (1120), OpenADR (21010), A10/X10 for Insteon (21060), Zwave (21100)

 - The ISY994i is at the latest code release Insteon_UD994 v4.6.2

 - The Z-wave controller is using ZWAVE-FW V4.55 static controller library


What I've been doing:


 - On the Tuxedo Touch, go to the Zwave control screen and hit "add device" (It displays the message to push a button on the other device etc...)


 - On the ISY I go to the ZWAVE and select "shift primary to another controller"


(and wait....nothing happens)


I've enabled logging messages and don't see anything happening at all, except for X10 events.


The Tuxedo is on the foyer wall and ISY is in the basement over a bit from it.  Line-of-sight distance would be about 8 feet max.   I've also tried this with the ISY upstairs and adjacent to the Tuxedo.   No go.


Has anyone got an ISY to be secondary to a Honeywell Tuxedo?  Am I doing something basically wrong here in the controller-shift procedures?


Any help would be appreciated.





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