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2477D - Manual light switch failure

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I have TWO 2477D Switches where manually switching the toggle does not turn on the lights???  The LEDs light up / down and the ISY shows them appropriately "on" or "off"... but they do not send power to the lights.  I double checked the wiring (Load, Neutral, Line) and even replaced one with a known working switch (to see if there was a wiring problem (or burned out bulbs) in the house, and everything worked fine with  the different switch (ie, lights turned on)....


I have tried Factory Reset on both swiches, even deleted them from the ISY and readded them with no issues.... the toggles simply don't connect power to the lights?


Any suggestions.


PS - They are 3 years old and out of warrantee.

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Cut an extension cord in half. Use the plug end to provide power to the 2477D. Connect the receptacle/outlet end to the load (and neutral). Plug a lamp into the receptacle. Ensure that it's on first. Toggle the switch. What's the result? If you have a voltmeter (not a voltage indicator, it must be a meter), test for voltage between neutral and the load wire. What's the result?


Tip: the neutral side of a 2-wire extension cor had a rib. The line side is smooth.


BTW, a cut extension cord is what a lot of us use to initially test any line powered Insteon device before adding it.

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Thanks Stu...


Thanks for sharing the electrical cord solution...


Connected the wires and ...

1. LED on switch registers ON or OFF when switched ...

2. The white (neutral) and red (load) showed “.000” for both on and off positions

3. The white (neutral) and black (line) showed +/-120 for both on and off positions

4. Lamp remained off


*** unplugged lamp and plugged into wall outlet, came on ...(just to verify for a second time it was really on)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Since the tests you made. Indicate the wiring is correct. The LEDs follow the On Off. From both a local paddle and the ISY activation. Administrative Console also shows the correct state.


It does sound like symptoms of a failure. In the circuit driving the load.

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Thanks Brian ..... Since my last post, I purchased / replaced the two switches ... then directed the broken switches and believe identified the two problems ... and to your questions, electronically, the switches responded to the ISY and LEDs functioned .... but could not manually switch on...


1. I learned the small button (looks like a selinoid behind the manual paddle switch) was not making contact. If I pressed it in, the switch would make contact and pass electric...so bottom line, the manual switch failed...

2. The second switch appears to have burned out some circut inside as there was black residue inside.... I did not pursue further as curiosity was not worth the $50 replacement

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I managed to re-use a switch that worked remotely, but not manually. The device now controls an exterior light that's scheduled, but the switch installed under the house where it is never controlled manually.

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