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Multiple Google Home devices - room assignments


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Hi all,


I just added 2 google home mini speakers to my system.  This makes three devices, and, if my daughter comes through on her promise to get me another one for Christmas I will have four.


My question is .. can I set up duplicate spoken commands either in ISY portal or Google Home that are dependant on which home device receives the command?


For example, I would like to walk into any room with a home device and say "Hey Google Lights On", and have it turn on the lights in that room only.


At the moment I can't see any way to do this.  Wondering if it is possible, and if anyone has done this yet?






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It's been purported to be possible, but I'm not aware of anyone who has accomplished that task using a Google Home device. I accomplish what you want by using multiple Amazon (Echo) and portal accounts. I don't know it the Google Home app is capable of supporting more than one account.

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Hi all,


I just added 2 google home mini speakers to my system. This makes three devices, and, if my daughter comes through on her promise to get me another one for Christmas I will have four.


My question is .. can I set up duplicate spoken commands either in ISY portal or Google Home that are dependant on which home device receives the command?


For example, I would like to walk into any room with a home device and say "Hey Google Lights On", and have it turn on the lights in that room only.


At the moment I can't see any way to do this. Wondering if it is possible, and if anyone has done this yet?





That's the $64,000 question and what everyone wants without having to set up multiple accounts.
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I have 4 Google Home minis on the way, and I’m going to be messing with this.


One is for my Daughters room, and I don’t want her messing with lights all over the house. So, I’ll try multi accounts and see if it can be done. However, one of the main reasons for several is the new ‘broadcast’ command. I wonder if that works based on the WiFi network, or Google account...

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Found a Mobilinc device in the Google Home app.  It requires Mobilinc Connect, (cost of $29.99/month or $199.99 lifetime subscription)


From the Google Home setup page: "Example: 'OK Google, turn on the lights.'  Only the lights in the room with Google Home will turn on"


Does anyone have any experience with this?  I took a cursory look, and the setup mentions configuring spoken commands under "Notes" in devices and scenes..  Programs must be placed in a folder named "Voice". 


It may solve the multiple Google device issue, but I can't say that definitively from reading the documentation. I plan to experiment using the one month free subscription, but any info from anyone with experience will be appreciated.


BTW - I noticed that I started this topic in the ISY Portal forum, when it should probably be in the Google Home forum.  Can anyone help me to move it?









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For me, ‘Hey Google, turn on the lights’ turns on all lights with any spoken assigned, rather than just the two in the room that the Google Home is in.


The Home and the two lights are assigned to the same room in the Home app... I wonder if I’ve missed anything...

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Hi all,


I just added 2 google home mini speakers to my system.  This makes three devices, and, if my daughter comes through on her promise to get me another one for Christmas I will have four.


My question is .. can I set up duplicate spoken commands either in ISY portal or Google Home that are dependant on which home device receives the command?


For example, I would like to walk into any room with a home device and say "Hey Google Lights On", and have it turn on the lights in that room only.


At the moment I can't see any way to do this.  Wondering if it is possible, and if anyone has done this yet?





What about using IFTTT and different Google accounts ?

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Can you ‘broadcast’ between multiple Google Home devices when they are authenticated with different Google accounts (but on the same WiFi)? If so, I’m going to go the multi account route - and then add my voice training to them all for calendar access...

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Can you ‘broadcast’ between multiple Google Home devices when they are authenticated with different Google accounts (but on the same WiFi)? If so, I’m going to go the multi account route - and then add my voice training to them all for calendar access...


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