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Mini Remote "Unsupported Device"


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Just bought a new Insteon Mini Remote 2342-2.  Added "new device" to ISY.  I get "unsupported device:0.26" when adding but it does add A-H.  When I try to add any of them to scene it immediately adds as responder..... won't allow adding as controller.  Renders the product useless.


ISY 994i

Insteon Remote 8 scene 2342-2



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Ensure that the Mini Remote is fully charged. Delete the device from the ISY, do a factory reset, re-add the remote. Any success? BTW, what doe the ISY indicate as the last three digits of the remote, -2 doesn't identify the specific recognized device?

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I didn't previously use the Link "RemoteLinc 2" menu selection but did this time and still the same issue.  The second I hit "ok" it changes the device type to unsupported device.



before posting my problem I did a delete from ISY, factory reset and re-add.  Same issue.  The ISY indicates that the device is "Unsupported Device:0:26"

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