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My environment is ISY with Insteon switches, dimmers, micros, bulbs - pretty basic stuff.  About 6 months ago, I got a new neighbor.  Coincidentally, or maybe not, my Insteon stuff began behaving strangely; programs not fully executing, timing off, and things going on and off at random.  Even devices that were not associated with any scenes or programs would turn on at random.  I looked at all my scenes and programs and there was nothing unusual.  It got so weird that I began imagining my new neighbor to be a hacker who for grins, was jacking my stuff around as he watched my lights going on and off from his window.  This got real in my head because I could find no other problem with my system, so I decided to reset the ISY to factory and rebuild from the ground up - this time with a very strong password, and paying attention to security matters along the way, as well as on my router.  Once complete, I soon found that I still had the issue.


I wracked my brains thinking about what may have changed around the time that all this weirdness started happening.  There were a couple things:

  1. My cable modem was replaced by a FiOS ONT
  2. I added Several UPS's to various equipment around the house
  3. And of course, the new neighbor

I poked around the forum and quickly learned that UPS's are problematic, so I disconnected them.   I also purchased an Insteon filter for the ONT, simply because it was a variable.  No resolve.  I then relocated the PLM to an outlet in another area of the house.  Eventually, I followed suit with the ISY itself.  A clue - if it's related:  My WiFi signal became weak at about the same time that this all started happening.  I know that the Insteon RF does not ride on the WiFi, but I'm wondering if there is some interference that is affecting both.  I should note that I live on acreage and what few neighbors that I have are at least a few hundred yards away.  Oh, and one more clue:  With the Administrative Console open, every few minutes an error will popup stating "Cannot Communicate With [device]. Please check connections."  The devise will have the "!" icon but will usually clear if I query it.


Any ideas?





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Open up your tools/diagnostics/event viewer and set it to level 3.  You can follow Insteon traffic and when something happens that you think should not have, you can see what com was on the network.


Also, the devices that you say periodically show error.  ISY only shows error if the device was in communication.  For example, you can remove a device completely and ISY will have no idea that it is gone unless it fails to respond to a scene or to the ISY/PLM.  So if the device should have been quiet at the time it turned red, that is a clue that some sort of com with the device happened.

How old is your PLM?

OH yeah.  Duh!  That too.

Link to comment

The PLM is about a year old.  It has this code on it, if it means anything:






I pulled the Level 3 log, but I don't know how to interpret it.  Here's a portion of it:



Fri 12/22/2017 02:17:38 AM : [        Time] 02:18:58 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:27:36 AM : [        Time] 02:28:57 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:37:31 AM : [        Time] 02:38:57 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:30 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 36.8C.BE 3B.97.4C 46 11 01    LTONRR (01)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:30 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 36.8C.BE-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=2, Hops Left=1
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:30 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [36 8C BE 1] [DON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:30 AM : [  36 8C BE 1]      DON   0
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:30 AM : [D2D-CMP 0005] CTL [36 8C BE 1] DON op=1 Event(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:30 AM : [D2D-CMP 0003] CTL [36 8C BE 1] DON op=1 Event(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 3B 10 A6 0F 11 FF
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 40 60 97 0F 11 59
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 40 64 12 0F 11 59
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 3B 0F 66 0F 11 1E
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 A6.0F.11 FF 00 00 02 62 97 0F 11 59 00 00 06 02 62 40 64 12 0F        (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 40.64.12 3B.97.4C 2F 11 59    LTONRR (59)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 40.64.12-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [40 64 12 1] [sT] [89] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [  40 64 12 1]       ST  89
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 3B.0F.66 0F 11 1E 06          LTONRR (1E)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 3B.0F.66 3B.97.4C 2F 11 1E    LTONRR (1E)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 3B.0F.66-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [3B F 66 1] [ERR] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [   3B F 66 1]      ERR   0
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [3B F 66 1] [sT] [30] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 02:46:49 AM : [   3B F 66 1]       ST  30
Fri 12/22/2017 02:48:48 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 3B 10 A6 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 02:49:48 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 3B 0F 66 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 02:49:48 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 40 60 97 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 02:49:48 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 40.60.13 00 11 1E 06          LTONRR (1E)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:50:27 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 40 64 12 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 02:56:20 AM : [        Time] 02:57:56 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:58:20 AM : [        Time] 03:00:00 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:58:20 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 3B 10 A6 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 02:58:20 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 44 0A 1F 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 02:58:40 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 40.64.0F 13 00 1E 00 15 02 62 3B 10 A6 0F 00 1E 06 02 62 44 0A        (1E)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:58:40 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 44.0A.1F 3B.97.4C 2F 13 00    LTOFFRR(00)
Fri 12/22/2017 02:58:40 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 44.0A.1F-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 03:08:18 AM : [        Time] 03:10:00 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:18:21 AM : [        Time] 03:20:00 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:28:13 AM : [        Time] 03:29:59 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:38:28 AM : [        Time] 03:39:59 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:48:10 AM : [        Time] 03:49:59 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 36.8C.BE 3B.97.4C 43 11 01    LTONRR (01)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 36.8C.BE-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [36 8C BE 1] [DON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [  36 8C BE 1]      DON   0
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [D2D-CMP 0005] CTL [36 8C BE 1] DON op=1 Event(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [D2D-CMP 0003] CTL [36 8C BE 1] DON op=1 Event(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 3B 10 A6 0F 11 FF
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 40 60 97 0F 11 59
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 40 64 12 0F 11 59
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 3B 0F 66 0F 11 1E
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 3B.10.A6 FF 11 00 00 15 02 62 40 0F 11 59 11 00 06 02 62 40 64 LTONRR (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 40.64.12 3B.97.4C 2F 11 59    LTONRR (59)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 40.64.12-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 3B.0F.66 0F 11 1E 06          LTONRR (1E)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 3B.0F.66 0F 11 1E 06          LTONRR (1E):  Duplicate or ACK for a different device 
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 3B.0F.66 3B.97.4C 2F 11 1E    LTONRR (1E)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:10 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 3B.0F.66-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:30 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [3B 10 A6 1] [ERR] [1] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 03:49:30 AM : [  3B 10 A6 1]      ERR   1
Fri 12/22/2017 03:51:37 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 3B 10 A6 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 03:52:18 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 3B 0F 66 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 03:52:18 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 40 60 97 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 03:52:18 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 3B.A6.0F 13 00 1E 15 02 62 3B 0F 66 0F 13 00 06 02 62 40 60 97        (1E)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:52:18 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 40.60.97 3B.97.4C 2F 13 00    LTOFFRR(00)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:52:18 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 40.60.97-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 03:53:18 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 40 64 12 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 03:53:18 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 40.64.12 0F 13 00 06          LTOFFRR(00)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:53:18 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 40.64.12 3B.97.4C 2F 13 00    LTOFFRR(00)
Fri 12/22/2017 03:53:18 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 40.64.12-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 03:53:18 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [40 64 12 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 03:53:18 AM : [  40 64 12 1]       ST   0
Fri 12/22/2017 04:03:06 AM : [        Time] 04:04:55 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 04:13:04 AM : [        Time] 04:14:56 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 04:23:02 AM : [        Time] 04:24:56 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 04:32:57 AM : [        Time] 04:34:54 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 04:42:55 AM : [        Time] 04:44:55 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 04:53:04 AM : [        Time] 04:54:55 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 04:57:50 AM : [        Time] 05:00:00 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 04:57:50 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 3B 10 A6 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 04:57:50 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 44 0A 1F 0F 13 00
Fri 12/22/2017 05:07:45 AM : [        Time] 05:09:59 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:08:45 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 10.A6.0F 13 00 00 00 15 15 02 50 42 1E 70 00 00 01 CB 14 00 02        (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:08:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 45 14 01    LTOFF-F(01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:08:45 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:08:45 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [DFOF] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:08:45 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]     DFOF   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:08:45 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:08:45 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]       ST   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:08:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 14.01.01 CF 06 00           (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:08:45 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->14.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 05:08:45 AM : [iNST-INFO   ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 00.00.01 CF 12 00    LTON-F (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [DFON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]     DFON   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]       ST 255
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 45 12 01    LTON-F (01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 4A 12 01    LTON-F (01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=2, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 12.01.01 CF 06 00           (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->12.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-INFO   ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 00.00.01 CF 14 00    LTOFF-F(00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [DFOF] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]     DFOF   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]       ST   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 40 14 01    LTOFF-F(01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=0, Hops Left=0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 45 14 01    LTOFF-F(01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 46 14 01    LTOFF-F(01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=2, Hops Left=1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 4B 14 01    LTOFF-F(01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 14.01.01 CB 06 00           (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->14.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:09:05 AM : [iNST-INFO   ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:24 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 00.00.01 CB 12 00    LTON-F (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:24 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:24 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [DFON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:24 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]     DFON   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:24 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:24 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]       ST 255
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:24 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 41 12 01    LTON-F (01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:24 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:24 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 12.01.01 CB 06 00           (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->12.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [iNST-INFO   ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 00.00.01 CB 14 00    LTOFF-F(00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [DFOF] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]     DFOF   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]       ST   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 41 14 01    LTOFF-F(01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 14.01.01 CB 06 00           (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->14.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:14:25 AM : [iNST-INFO   ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 00.00.01 CB 12 00    LTON-F (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [DFON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]     DFON   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]       ST 255
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 46 12 01    LTON-F (01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=2, Hops Left=1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 12.01.01 CB 06 00           (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->12.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-INFO   ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 41 14 01    LTOFF-F(01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [DFOF] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]     DFOF   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]       ST   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 14.01.01 CB 06 00           (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->14.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-INFO   ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 00.00.01 C7 12 00    LTON-F (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [DFON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]     DFON   0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [42 1E 70 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [  42 1E 70 1]       ST 255
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 41 12 01    LTON-F (01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 3B.97.4C 4A 12 01    LTON-F (01)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 42.1E.70-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=2, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 42.1E.70 12.01.01 CB 06 00           (00)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [std-Group   ] 42.1E.70-->12.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/22/2017 05:15:45 AM : [iNST-INFO   ] Previous message ignored.
Fri 12/22/2017 05:25:42 AM : [        Time] 05:27:50 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:35:41 AM : [        Time] 05:37:50 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:45:26 AM : [        Time] 05:47:48 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 05:55:31 AM : [        Time] 05:57:48 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 06:05:18 AM : [        Time] 06:07:49 3(0)
Fri 12/22/2017 06:15:26 AM : [        Time] 06:17:48 3(0)


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Fyi, you can download a wifi scanner app to your device and do a survey of you home. It will show you what's possibly interfering with your signals. I was able to see my smart meter's zigbee signal and move my wifi signal to a different channel to avoid stepping on it.


The one I have is free, called wifi analyzer on Google play store.


Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk

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To further break this troubleshooting into smaller pieces, I would also evaluate how scenes perform when you manually toggle an insteon scene controller.  Do you have any such scenes?  Do they respond reliably?  


If so, this may suggest good insteon communications between devices, and further pointing to the PLM.  Do you see any devices in the admin console showing status other than actual?  This could be another indicator of a bad PLM.  If, on the other hand, communication problems are broad, then this suggests something other than the PLM.


I don't know much about interpreting the logs, but it does appear to me that you are getting a few more retries (hops) that I normally experience.

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The date code on your PLM indicates that it was made around the middle of 2015. Do a PLM link count, preferably when there's little or no Insteon traffic (Tools, Diagnostics, Show PLM Links Table). Do it about three (or more times). What's the result?

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To further break this troubleshooting into smaller pieces, I would also evaluate how scenes perform when you manually toggle an insteon scene controller.  Do you have any such scenes?  Do they respond reliably?  


If so, this may suggest good insteon communications between devices, and further pointing to the PLM.  Do you see any devices in the admin console showing status other than actual?  This could be another indicator of a bad PLM.  If, on the other hand, communication problems are broad, then this suggests something other than the PLM.


I don't know much about interpreting the logs, but it does appear to me that you are getting a few more retries (hops) that I normally experience.



From what you are saying, it would appear that there is not good communication between devices.  For instance, I have a motion sensor at the bottom of my driveway that triggers a scene that will turn on the lamp posts, wait a few seconds, turn on a porch light, wait a couple more seconds and turn on another porch light, another second yet, then turn on the carriage lights.  Sometimes it works, other times, just some of those lights will come on.  Also, all of my scenes and/or programs are limited to operate only between sunset and sunrise (the next day) yet occasionally, this gets confused and things light in the daytime.  A nightlight in the house will often not turn off in the morning, etc.  But where this whole thing gets hard to understand is when some lights, that are not part of any program, will suddenly turn on.

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The date code on your PLM indicates that it was made around the middle of 2015. Do a PLM link count, preferably when there's little or no Insteon traffic (Tools, Diagnostics, Show PLM Links Table). Do it about three (or more times). What's the result?


I did the PLM link count about 10 times.  It counts to 76 every time.  Does that indicate a healthy PLM?

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From what you are saying, it would appear that there is not good communication between devices.  For instance, I have a motion sensor at the bottom of my driveway that triggers a scene that will turn on the lamp posts, wait a few seconds, turn on a porch light, wait a couple more seconds and turn on another porch light, another second yet, then turn on the carriage lights.  Sometimes it works, other times, just some of those lights will come on.  Also, all of my scenes and/or programs are limited to operate only between sunset and sunrise (the next day) yet occasionally, this gets confused and things light in the daytime.  A nightlight in the house will often not turn off in the morning, etc.  But where this whole thing gets hard to understand is when some lights, that are not part of any program, will suddenly turn on.


I am not sure I would reach the same conclusions.  This sounds as if you have a motion sensor triggering a program which, in turn, causes a bunch of lights to come on, yes?  In such cases, the PLM is directly involved, and there is little direct communication between the other devices.  


My point (perhaps not as clear as I had hoped) was to observe the response of devices that are in direct scene relationships.  If, for example, you had a motion sensor in a scene (as controller) with your lamp posts (as responder), this would represent direct communication between those two devices, with the lamp post responding directly to the motion sensor, bypassing the PLM and programs.  Were your scenes responding fine, but tasks requiring the PLM and programs having trouble, this would tend to point to communication problems with the PLM.

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I did the PLM link count about 10 times.  It counts to 76 every time.  Does that indicate a healthy PLM?


If you have more than just a few Insteon devices, then the count is really low and is an early sign of an impending PLM failure. Here's a PLM link calculator.

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If you have more than just a few Insteon devices, then the count is really low and is an early sign of an impending PLM failure. Here's a PLM link calculator.


Wow, very interesting.  According to the PLM Link Calculator, I should be in the mis-200's, so yes, the 76 (consistent as it may be) is actually very low.  This means that my PLM is dying and likely at the heart of the problem?  If so, PLM replacement should resolve everything?  That would lead me to the next question:  Is the expected lifespan ordinarily so low (12 - 18 months), or is mine the exception?  If the former, are there better comparable PLM's other than Insteon?


Thanks, Stu.

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There are no other replacements for the PLM. Most older PLMs (yours included) seem to have an expected lifespan of just over two years. Consider it a subscription, like the portal. OTOH, your PLM is within the free replacement time frame.

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There are no other replacements for the PLM. Most older PLMs (yours included) seem to have an expected lifespan of just over two years. Consider it a subscription, like the portal. OTOH, your PLM is within the free replacement time frame.


Good to know.  I'll work on getting it exchanged and will report back on the outcome.


Thanks again for the assistance!

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I contacted Insteon regarding the exchange of my PLM.  They walked me through some troubleshooting steps and insist that there is nothing wrong with it.  They may be right and as I learn more about the PLM, I realize that there may be another issue at work for which I solicit your input.  When I reset my ISY and started over, I did nothing with the PLM.  From what I am seeing here and there, I may have some stray links that are causing problems?  Is this a fair assessment?  If this is indeed a problem, is my solution then to again reset the ISY, as well as resetting the PLM?

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I contacted Insteon regarding the exchange of my PLM.  They walked me through some troubleshooting steps and insist that there is nothing wrong with it.  They may be right and as I learn more about the PLM, I realize that there may be another issue at work for which I solicit your input.  When I reset my ISY and started over, I did nothing with the PLM.  From what I am seeing here and there, I may have some stray links that are causing problems?  Is this a fair assessment?  If this is indeed a problem, is my solution then to again reset the ISY, as well as resetting the PLM?


Probably not.  You can temporarily move the PLM to see if that solves the problem (thus suggesting that the PLM is fine.)  You can restore individual devices from the ISY admin panel.  You can restore the entire system.  


You can temporarily unplug electronic gadgets throughout the house to see if things improve.  You can ensure you have communication between the legs of your electrical system.  You can ensure you have no unfiltered devices on the circuit into which the PLM is plugged.


Unfortunately, the troubleshooting process for comm issues is a bit tedious. 

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I contacted Insteon regarding the exchange of my PLM.  They walked me through some troubleshooting steps and insist that there is nothing wrong with it.  They may be right and as I learn more about the PLM, I realize that there may be another issue at work for which I solicit your input.  When I reset my ISY and started over, I did nothing with the PLM.  From what I am seeing here and there, I may have some stray links that are causing problems?  Is this a fair assessment?  If this is indeed a problem, is my solution then to again reset the ISY, as well as resetting the PLM?


Can you outline the steps Insteon Support had you go through? Some of us have been going through troubleshooting the PLM for quite some time. I'm not aware of any instance where a low PLM link count was not an indication of an impending PLM failure.


Not all or even most PLMs fail at 2+ years. Those that don't fail are rarely reported, but that commonality (low count) has popped up most often. Your date code indicates that your PLM has passed that mark. That plus the low PLM link count and erratic communication problems comprise three of the three most common symptoms pointing to the PLM as the culprit.


A really good test, but not definitive, is to follow oberkc's suggestion of using a long extension cord to power the PLM from other circuits around the house. It's best to power down the ISY for about 10-30 seconds before re-applying power to the PLM. Best is to find a circuit that has little or no known noise makers such as anything electronic (TV's, power supplies, UPS's, etc.) Those devices should be unplugged or disconnected for the test. Simply turning something off is inadequate.


Again, oberkc is correct--troubleshooting is tedious--but rewarding B)

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Insteon's troubleshooting steps were:  "Look at the PLM. Is the LED lit?"  Yes, it is green.  "Then that indicates that the PLM is working properly - there is nothing wrong with it."  So, I don't have too much confidence in Insteon Support!


I have disconnected all of the UPS's and added filters to some other items that are signal suckers.  I've also relocated the PLM to alternate outlets, to no avail.  I have a friend that is a Cisco certified wireless engineer.  He will be visiting in two weeks and will bring some tools to see what kind of RF interference there may be, especially since my WiFi range got real short at the same time that I started having problems.  I will also likely order a new PLM since even if there is found an RF issue, it sounds like the PLM's do not last very long and I will eventually need to replace the existing one anyway.


I'll report back in two weeks on the outcome.

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Unless you have a proven device that's causing a problem, filtering that device is as effective changing the bread instead of the toaster setting.


Unplug or disconnect the suspected device. It must be unplugged or disconnected. Just turning the device off is inadequate. Does communication improve? If yes, then you have definitively found a device that needs filtering. If not, then that device is unlikely to be the culprit.

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Insteon's troubleshooting steps were:  "Look at the PLM. Is the LED lit?"  Yes, it is green.  "Then that indicates that the PLM is working properly - there is nothing wrong with it."  So, I don't have too much confidence in Insteon Support!


Wow.  I can tell you that I once replaced the PLM on suspicion of degraded performance.  The improved performance with the new PLM was startling.  Before, I would get scenes and devices that would respond intermittently.  Sometimes it would take multiple attempts to write changes to devices.  After...most of that was gone.


I still have the old PLM.  The little light still is lit (mine was white) when I plug it in.  Your confidence level in Insteon Support is well reasoned.


Hopefully, the new PLM will solve your problems.

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Unless you have a proven device that's causing a problem, filtering that device is as effective changing the bread instead of the toaster setting.


Unplug or disconnect the suspected device. It must be unplugged or disconnected. Just turning the device off is inadequate. Does communication improve? If yes, then you have definitively found a device that needs filtering. If not, then that device is unlikely to be the culprit.



Is there a methodology for testing?  I don't have any keypads, just scenes and programs.

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Another method is to turn off half the breakers. If communication improves, then one of the circuits you turned off powered the suspected device. Turn on half the breakers you turned off and continue. If communication does not improve, then turn off the other half, etc. There's no need to use a KPL at all.

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