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keypad and controller link


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i have the below... it always fires when i turn on the 'megan home' on the ControlLinc. i thought that this would not fire unless the Megan Home button was ON and the controlinc ON button was pressed




Control 'MBDR Controller (1)' is switched On

And Status 'Megan Home' is On



Run Program 'BedTimeCommon' (If)

Wait 10 seconds

Set 'Megans Room Bath' 30%

Set 'Megans Room Overhead' On

Set 'Megans Room Lava Lamp' On

Send Notification to All



Run Program 'BedTimeCommon' (If)

Wait 10 seconds

Set 'MBDR Air Filter' On

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If you put the program in a folder and place the Status 'Megan Home' is On as a Condition to the folder (remove from program) the program will only run when that is True.


As it is now the program will be triggered whenever the ControLinc button is pressed and whenever the Status 'Megan Home' changes.



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actually right now the action fires when i hit the keypad linc that sets the Megan Status to ON. the controlinc button is not being pressed but the isy99 shows the status of the controlink to be ON.


i believe the problem i would have with your suggestion is that i would loose the ELSE part of the condition....



the situation works fine if the Megan ON status for the keypad link is off and i press the controlink button ON

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actually right now the action fires when i hit the keypad linc that sets the Megan Status to ON. the controlinc button is not being pressed but the isy99 shows the status of the controlink to be ON.


Okay, I misunderstood. I thought you wanted the Else to run if the CL is switched Off when the KPL is On.


This may be what you would like:



       Control 'MBDR Controller (1)' is switched On
   And Status  'Megan Home' is On

       Run Program 'BedTimeCommon' (If)
       Wait  10 seconds
       Set 'Megans Room Bath' 30%
       Set 'Megans Room Overhead' On
       Set 'Megans Room Lava Lamp' On
       Send Notification to All

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')        


       Control 'MBDR Controller (1)' is switched On
   And Status  'Megan Home' is Off

       Run Program 'BedTimeCommon' (If)
       Wait  10 seconds
       Set 'MBDR Air Filter' On
  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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maybe, i will try this, but based on what i had before. this would fire when i hit the keypadlinc button that is 'megan' to set it on.

what i am confused about is the control linc is not being 'switched' on it is ON according to the ISY99.


what i am trying to accomplish is that the control link next to bed is the MBDR Controller (1), i want to press the ON button then run commands based on whether or not the keypadlnk button for Megan is on or off





Control 'MBDR Controller (1)' is switched On

And Status 'Megan Home' is On



Run Program 'BedTimeCommon' (If)

Wait 10 seconds

Set 'Megans Room Bath' 30%

Set 'Megans Room Overhead' On

Set 'Megans Room Lava Lamp' On

Send Notification to All

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maybe, i will try this, but based on what i had before. this would fire when i hit the keypadlinc button that is 'megan' to set it on.

what i am confused about is the control linc is not being 'switched' on it is ON according to the ISY99.


The ISY maintains a Status for buttons according to the last press reported. Using Control to watch for a press and Status for the KPL button is the correct protocol. So when the KPL button is switched the program runs and if the CL button isn't switched at the same time the Else Actions will execute.


what i am trying to accomplish is that the control link next to bed is the MBDR Controller (1), i want to press the ON button then run commands based on whether or not the keypadlnk button for Megan is on or off


Using two programs will accomplish this more efficiently than using Else.


Else has many uses but this is not one of them.



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ok thanks, i will do that.


now, is there a way for iSY99 to set the Status for the KL to off so i don't have to press the off button so next time it will detect the ON action?


Yes. Create a scene and put the KPL button in it. Then you can turn the scene and thus the KPL button On/Off.


If you are going to do this in a program that checks the Status of the button then you will want to Wait at least 2 seconds before you switch the scene.



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