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Not able to use admin console on Surface.

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I guess my problem is that I don't have Java installed on my Surface Book but I don't use Java for anything and I don't miss the aggravations of having Java on a computer.  


Is there any other way or console application that doesn't use Java?

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Thanks. If anything has changed with java I'd consider adding it but on my last HP laptop it always gave me messages about updating, I hated it. Also, I've had this Surface Book for two years and I have no third party protection and I've not had any issues. This is a work computer so it's nice that It's stable but my old HP had to be cleaned and I ran third party protections to try to keep it okay. I may be way off base and I welcome you to tell me I am and that java is safe to have on a laptop.

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I believe java is safe for me in that the only java app i use is the admin console, and I only run that locally locally from the shortcut into java cache, based on a download from UDI.


I set java so it can't do anything else:

  • Under the java control panel, security, I unchecked the first box for allowing java to run from a webstart. Not that it matters much anymore, most browsers won't run java applets.
  • To make it annoyance free, I unchecked the box to check for updates under update. I typically update java when I update the admin console. I would update it if there was a news story about a significant threat that would affect me.

I used to run the admin console on my work computer, however after a security update a few years back, it quit running. My ms surface is my personal tablet and I can run the AC remotely if needed.



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