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IoX 5.9.1 Firmware released (plus System OS 14.1p6 update) ×



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Look at this. I get to experience some of what is the norm for @Teken this time of year. Brrrrr....




We only had the -15 C yesterday but, as usual, upon this hill, nasty winds with it. I finally got my new snowblower hood attached so I don't get a frost bitten face every time I turn the machine around.


Snow banks are over my head, and the road is getting narrow where the plough has no place to push it any more.


If you had those lows in Chicago, we will likely be getting it amplified in another day or so as our winds usually come from Ohio, Illinois direction.


Yes. We've only gotten to the single digit minus temps. But its been a chance to test the "edge" conditions of ISY programs that use the local temp sensor.




-12 in west central Ohio.  Coldest day that I can remember in a couple of years.  Insteon devices outside seem to be working, but I feel sorry for them.  


I took down the Christmas lighting this morning.  We have a rule in my house that it cannot be left up past today.  Some are frozen in the ground, but they are at least unplugged.


-12 in west central Ohio.  Coldest day that I can remember in a couple of years.  Insteon devices outside seem to be working, but I feel sorry for them.  


I took down the Christmas lighting this morning.  We have a rule in my house that it cannot be left up past today.  Some are frozen in the ground, but they are at least unplugged.

Wow. I grew up in Cinci and that's pretty cold for SW Ohio. I think January 77 was the coldest I can remember. 


Look at this. I get to experience some of what is the norm for @Teken this time of year. Brrrrr....




Oh thanks for jinxing me for another extra month! Instead of six more to go now I have seven months to go!  :cry:  I was outside working on a comm tower when the mercury hit -35'C crazy windchill at that time was -47'C 





Extreme windchill has been in effect for the entire two weeks of X-MAS of -40'C ~ -50'C




Various systems at home affirm how cold its been for the last few weeks.




It was pretty funny to see one of the *Follow Me* systems stopped charting the low point at -29'C while my local temp was -32'C before the wind. With the wind it was -47'C at that time. I'm that white dot inside of that red circle. 




While enroute and onsite to complete a repair.




A quick snap shot from the vehicle and missed the chance to snap it when it hit -35'C as I was driving uphill in the sticks.




Some quick stats from the various systems at home.






This is what happens when you're outside for more than eight hours in these temps. This was a dead blow hammer that shattered into a dozen pieces and all I had left was the handle. I had a standard claw hammer and the claws snapped clean off when I was prying open a couple of nails.


The nails snapped clean off too . . .




Yes we have cold front in Miami.... This morning 62 F and raining, and tomorrow as low as the high 40's.

I love Teken's setup. My only method is sticking my nose out on the balcony  :-)


Yes we have cold front in Miami.... This morning 62 F and raining, and tomorrow as low as the high 40's.

I love Teken's setup. My only method is sticking my nose out on the balcony  :-)

Sounds like you get some "Lake Effect" also. :)


Yes we have cold front in Miami.... This morning 62 F and raining, and tomorrow as low as the high 40's.

I love Teken's setup. My only method is sticking my nose out on the balcony  :-)


I'll bet people are putting on the Parka coats when it gets that cold in south Florida.


This is what happens when you're outside for more than eight hours in these temps. This was a dead blow hammer that shattered into a dozen pieces and all I had left was the handle. I had a standard claw hammer and the claws snapped clean off when I was prying open a couple of nails.


The nails snapped clean off too . . .




!!!!Yikes!!!!  Sounds like flying shrapnel.  Dangerous.


The women love it..... Putting on their boots anytime temperature goes below 70F

That's just like Ontario...

The women put on their boots any time it isn't July. :)


Yes we have cold front in Miami.... This morning 62 F and raining, and tomorrow as low as the high 40's.

I love Teken's setup. My only method is sticking my nose out on the balcony  :-)


Before all that new fangled high tech stuff doing the same by sticking my phat head out the door was the same way. I have lots of old school devices around to ensure the environmentals are known.


In the last two years I've been going back to low tech old school technology.


Trying very hard to reduce my reliance on batteries, computers, and high tech gizmos. This picture was taken a day before the cold front hit my area. I have to say the person who built this $1.50 gizmo took the time to calibrate it to a good reference. As it matches lock and step with everything I have on site which are NIST certified too.




!!!!Yikes!!!!  Sounds like flying shrapnel.  Dangerous.


Yeah standing outside for more than eight hours in the bush wasn't really too fun. But, at the end of the day the job got done and the people who relied on the bush radio's were extremely happy to be up and running. Very great full my safety glasses were on because when that claw hammer exploded the one tang grazed the side of my left eyebrow!  :?  


Yes we have cold front in Miami.... This morning 62 F and raining, and tomorrow as low as the high 40's.

I love Teken's setup. My only method is sticking my nose out on the balcony :-)

Wow. You're having a heat wave. Send me some of that.

My view while on vacation for the last month in Napa Ca. Sorry to all who are freezing, it’s in the 60s here. Soon I will be back in Seattle where it’s in the 30s-40s. I extended my vacation an extra week as I am not looking forward to going back to real life! Lol








My home for the month.








As I mentioned to Teken the other day... I woke up and went straight to the dresser and pulled out my winter tee shirt (the one with the sleeves), it was +50 outside. Well this morning the temp hit +39, dog did not even want to stay out... but here it is 3PM (est) and the temp in the sun is only 62. I can honestly say, I do not miss the northern IL weather.


As I mentioned to Teken the other day... I woke up and went straight to the dresser and pulled out my winter tee shirt (the one with the sleeves), it was +50 outside. Well this morning the temp hit +39, dog did not even want to stay out... but here it is 3PM (est) and the temp in the sun is only 62. I can honestly say, I do not miss the northern IL weather.


I always marvel at how humans are capable of acclimating to what ever extreme weather. You have people who live in the desert and its 50'C in the freaking shade. Than you have the polar opposite where the mercury drops to -50'C.


The fact man made it this far past the stone age and the early centuries simply amazes me!!!


That's just like Ontario...

The women put on their boots any time it isn't July. :)

My wife wears boots and a heavy jacket when it's 90° out. She thinks 80° is freezing.


I once woke up to 85° and went to be at -20°. That was not fun and I felt uneasy for days.


Heck, I was feeling perfectly sorry for myself that it got down to 16F last night and not above freezing today. Now you guys have gone and ruined it for me by cheering me up that I don't live up yonder. Thanks. 


That is truly a beautiful view . . . Making use of a new drone??

Thank you. Yes, loving my DJI Mavic. On my trip down I got this photo. Believe it or not, it’s untouched (no filters etc). One of my best.




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