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Scene configuration - 'mixed scenes' with 2 different KPL buttons...


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Having just read the topic about multiple responders with KPL buttons, I have a slightly different (but same) question.

Here's the scenario.

1. KPL #1 Button A is a load controller for my Cooktop Spot light

2. KPL #2 Button A is a load controller for my Kitchen Table light

3. KPL #2 Button C, D, and E are normal controllers for other lights in the kitchen area that are controlling wall switches (these buttons are not load)

4. KPL #2 Button B is a Scene Controller that is set as 'All Kitchen', triggering all the above lights to toggle On or Off.


Here's the question: I want to setup a Scene Controller on KPL #1 Button B that essentially turns all Kitchen Lights OFF, except the Cooktop Spot (Item #1 above) as a night light scenario.

If I include the 'All Kitchen' Scene (Item #4) as a responder to this button, it will effectively shut off the Cooktop Spot as well. How with this one button press can I get the Cooktop Spot to stay on, (or turn on if it's currently off?). I'm not much of a programmer, but any guidance along these lines I can follow.



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Hi Tony. Do you want B to:

1- stay lit while "nightlight mode" is active and you manually switch it again in the morning, or
2- would you like it to adjust the lights and then turn back off?

You can do 1 with a scene and 2 needs a program. I have a "good night" program I use that is very similar to 2

I assume you want the corresponding keypad keys for the lights switching off to switch off as well.

Let me know and we can go from there.


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Thanks for the reply Paul...

To clarify a bit, my 2 KPLs are literally right around the corner from each other, I can operate both at the same time if I had the inclination. Yes, my goal is that if I press B (toggle on), the All Lights would go off (and A is part of that scene currently), but A would remain on (as my night light). Pressing B again in the morning (toggle off) would send an off command to the All Kitchen, effectively turning the A light off as well.

Does that make sense, or is it beer o'clock? :-)


Right now, I find it silly to toggle off the All Kitchen scene, then manually press the Cooktop Spot load button after that to turn that light back on...


Clear as mud, right?



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I think I have it. My kitchen are has 3 keypads, and 4 buttons on each are identical... same lights controlled from different locations.

I believe to do what you want, create a new scene for button B as the controller and just the lights (and their keypad keys) as responder.  Scene links are a cheap resource and there's nothing wrong with making new specific scenes (unless you have hundreds of devices, then potentially you could bang into the upper limit of total links that a PLM can store)


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I’ll try your suggestion later... have to run out for a bit... but thanks! I’ll let you know how I make out. FWIW, I have less than 75 devices/nodes total, so I’m not worried about running out of resources.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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