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Another one bites the dust


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Well, 3 down in the last 12 months. Yesterday, I a pop-up stating that it can not communicate with one of my 2635-222 modules. It has no indicator light, yes there is power to the outlet. The last one died in January. So the highest voltage spike was 131.4VAC a month ago (Arduino monitoring line voltages), nothing out of the ordinary, other than 4 short power outages in the last month.

Anyone else encountering problems like this?

Almost, tempted to reinstall my old X10 modules which has a "0" mortality rate.


ISY - Module Died.jpg

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Well, 3 down in the last 12 months. Yesterday, I a pop-up stating that it can not communicate with one of my 2635-222 modules. It has no indicator light, yes there is power to the outlet. The last one died in January. So the highest voltage spike was 131.4VAC a month ago (Arduino monitoring line voltages), nothing out of the ordinary, other than 4 short power outages in the last month.
Anyone else encountering problems like this?
Almost, tempted to reinstall my old X10 modules which has a "0" mortality rate.
Ever tried a whole house surge protector?

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

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If it is less than two years old. Go for the warranty exchange.

The module has a switching power supply in it and the same power supply chip as the 2413 PLM. I guess another possibility is a capacitor or component failure.

I did not see any MOV surge  components in  it but it maybe a surface mounted one I am not familiar with. As I only looked at the top side of one of mine and the photos in the FCC Database didn't show any style I am familiar with.  Smarthome says >1000 volt surge rating.


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I had another thought.

If the failing modules where all in the same general area.

Some inductive devices like a motor. Can generate a inductive voltage spike. When turned  off. Can be fairly high in voltage and a very short time length.  Maybe even too fast for your voltage tester to even see. I know the X10 modules have a MOV on the AC input. I can't say if the Insteon module has any AC spike protection. So it could be possible the spike is eventually damaging it.


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