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ISY Portal not taking changes


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One of my LampLinc Dimmer modules broke lately so I bought a new LampLinc Dimmer to replace the broken one.  In my ISY-99i, I first removed the device from a scene called "Bed Time", then I removed the device from the ISY-99.  The scene "Bed Time" has 8-10 on-off modules in it, so I did not remove the scene from my ISY, I only removed the one device.  Next I removed the device and scene from my ISY Portal and then from my Echo.  Next I added the new module and copied the new device to the "Bed Time" scene in my ISY-99i.  While in the ISY-99, I tried turning the scene on and then off, all worked well.  Next, I added the scene to my ISY Portal and exited the Portal.  Then opened my echo and hit the discover button under Smart Home > Devices.  The echo found the scene.  I then exited the echo.  Now when I ask my Echo to turn off Bed Time, nothing happens.  Not only does the new device not turn off, non of the devices in the "Bed Time" scene do not turn off.  Although, the Echo does say ok, which leads me to believe the Echo recognizes the scene but does not execute the sequence.  What am I doing wrong?

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So sorry everyone.  I figured it out.  I had a "routine" setup in my Amazon Echo.  When I originally removed the scene from my echo, it also removed the action portion of the routine.  All I had to do was to add the action portion of the routine back and Voila, it now works perfectly.  Please note, setting up or editing a routine can only be done on an iPhone, cant be done with a windows system.

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