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Rainmachine's response to recent WUnderground API key changes


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In a recent response to a question on the Rainmachine community forum regarding the changes to WUnderground API keys, Rainmachine provided the following information:

Yes we will provide a workaround for WUnderground and we are also implementing other ways to feed data directly in RainMachine from weather station.

A direct data feed from WeatherFlow weather stations has been requested.  Here's to hoping!


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Update on this topic - this below from a Rainmachine developer:

Thanks for the heads up, I've looked at the REST API, we will probably add it. There doesn't seems to be a way to acquire one of these stations for now so we can do a real test but developer key might be enough to get started.

What's more interesting is that they send a local network broadcast with data, which could be used to be completely independent of internet connection or remote servers.


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