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2.9.10 install issues


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I've installed 2.9.10 and when I login and Help | About, It confirms the correct version.


However, nothing is different from 2.9.9 ... For example, all programs still have if/then/finally.


I tried rebooting and reinstalling, but neither helped.


Any ideas?





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I had this issue with a previous update, but after a period of time the new version kicked in. When I had the issue, I believe closing and re-starting IE brought the new version in.


Since you've rebooted already, I would try clearing out your internet temporary files to see if that helps.


The HELP, ABOUT shows the correct version because it's querying the device itself. The problem is that IE has cached the old interface program and that's what you're seeing. IE hasn't gotten the updated interface from the ISY-26 yet.

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