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Thanks for the reply.   I checked  "Disable..." in the Elk config as you suggested.  (It was clear before)   But I was  unable to save it.   I did close the program and restarted it and continue to get the error messages.  I've attached a screen shot of the ELK page.



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  • 4 months later...

I have the same issue as described above and don't have ELK enabled.

I find these errors are hanging the system several times a day and yes it only last 10 or so seconds each time. I concerned

something else is running that is slowing the system or worse.



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  • 1 year later...

I found this old post when I was experiencing the same errors in the event log. In my case, it turned out that I had external services (HomeBridge and a custom script that I wrote) that I migrated from my old house (and old ISY that had an Elk) that had 'elkEnabled' set to true in their config, so they kept querying /rest/elk/get/topology, which causes this error if Elk is not enabled on the ISY. Turning this off solved the issue for me.

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