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Product Purchase Configution Question


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Two Questions about the Agave apps, Family Manager, Family Member options:

Question 1: What app purchases are needed to have the Agave Extended ($15.99) app on these devices (all in the same house controlling the same isy994ix):

1 tablet and 1 android phone (on the main Google account) plus 1 android phone (on a separate different Google account) ?


Question 2: On a totally separate configuration (for a different house) what app purchases to have the Agave Basic Limited ($5.99) app on these devices:

1 android phone (first Google account) plus 1 android phone (second different Google account) ?

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8 hours ago, rl-williams said:

Two Questions about the Agave apps, Family Manager, Family Member options:

Question 1: What app purchases are needed to have the Agave Extended ($15.99) app on these devices (all in the same house controlling the same isy994ix):

1 tablet and 1 android phone (on the main Google account) plus 1 android phone (on a separate different Google account) ?


Question 2: On a totally separate configuration (for a different house) what app purchases to have the Agave Basic Limited ($5.99) app on these devices:

1 android phone (first Google account) plus 1 android phone (second different Google account) ?

The primary (first Google Account) can access as many ISYs as it likes.  You can control both houses with one Extended access purchase. 

For the secondary (second account), you will need a family member for each house/ISY.  The family member accounts are paired to the ISY and device.  So you would need the family access manager +2

So 15.99(Extended Access) + 19.99(family access manager +2) . Here is a detailed FAM setup document. http://agaveha.com/docs/family-access-manager/

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