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All Lights Scene Programs - cool tips and tricks

Mark Sanctuary

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Here are some cool programs for augmenting interactiveness of your “All†lights scene.


This “LED follow scene†and “ISY Program†gives your “All†lights scene the ability to show status of all the lights in your house. And have the all lights buttons ready to toggle the “All†lights scene in the right direction.


If you have a few lights on in the house and you see this because the LED is on for the “All†lights button then you can just tap it once and all the lights will go off. Another nice thing about this program is you can control any of your lights in the house and the LED will update automatically.


Inside All Scene


This is the all lights scene that will be watched with this program.


  • Dining Hutch
    Family Desk
    Family Desk (5)
    Family Main (D) All
    Family Main (load)
    Family Screen
    Guest Bath Main
    Guest Bath Tub
    Kitchen Island
    Kitchen Main
    Kitchen Main (slave)
    Kitchen Pantry
    Kitchen Sink
    Master Bath Main
    Master Bath Tub
    Master Hallway
    Master Main (D) All
    Master Main (load)
    Master Main (slave)
    Master Read Amy
    Master Read Mark
    Master Screen

All LEDs Follow Scene


Add LED buttons for each keypadlinc “All†scene as responders in the follow scene. This lets you have them as controllers in the other button scenes they control.


  • Family Main (D) All
    Master Main (D) All

All Scene LED Trigger Program


The important tip to remember with this trigger program is that you need to make sure all your scenes are consistent and are turning your devices all the way off. Any devices that don’t get turned off will cause the LEDs not go off and this will leave you wondering why. So if this is causing you trouble check the list of devices and find the ones that are not turning all the way off and trace back to where it has got left out of your system.


By using the “is not Off†this check will work on both dimmers and switches. The “Wait†commands help make it reliable so the follow scene does not run into too much Insteon network traffic.


       Status  'Dining Hutch' is not Off
    Or Status  'Family Desk' is not Off
    Or Status  'Family Main (load)' is not Off
    Or Status  'Family Screen' is not Off
    Or Status  'Guest Bath Main' is not Off
    Or Status  'Guest Bath Tub' is not Off
    Or Status  'Kitchen Island' is not Off
    Or Status  'Kitchen Main' is not Off
    Or Status  'Kitchen Main (slave)' is not Off
    Or Status  'Kitchen Pantry' is not Off
    Or Status  'Kitchen Sink' is not Off
    Or Status  'Master Bath Main' is not Off
    Or Status  'Master Bath Tub' is not Off
    Or Status  'Master Hallway' is not Off
    Or Status  'Master Main (load)' is not Off
    Or Status  'Master Main (slave)' is not Off
    Or Status  'Master Read Amy' is not Off
    Or Status  'Master Read Mark' is not Off
    Or Status  'Master Screen' is not Off

       Wait  2 seconds
       Set  Scene 'All LEDs Follow Scene' On

       Wait  2 seconds
       Set  Scene 'All LEDs Follow Scene' Off


Program 2:


This little schedule program is an energy saver because it makes sure all the lights are off during the day time when no one is at home. It is delayed a bit because sometimes it’s still dark because of the weather.


Energy Saver Schedule Program


       Time is Sunrise +  2 hours 

       Set  Scene 'Inside All Scene' Off


Program 3:


This little trigger program is handy when you want to control your “All†lights scene from a single switch or dimmer. It uses the Fast Off to create a second function from the switch. So all you have to do is double-tap the switch Off and it will run the program.


Fast Off Trigger Program


       Control 'Master Read Mark' is switched Fast Off

       Set  Scene 'Inside All Scene' Off

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