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Setting for number of retries?

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Hi, and welcome to the UDI Forums!

The feature you're looking for is called 'PLM Communication'. You access it by right-clicking on a device in the main device tree. Pick 'Advanced' from that menu, and then 'PLM Communication'. One of 2 things will happen:

  • A popup that says 'This device does not support PLM communication settings". This is typical of older devices and there's nothing you can configure for them, no change is possible.
  • A popup with a drop down for setting retries for newer devices that do support PLM Communication. Typically I believe that the ISY sets this to 0 retries and if your Insteon communications are good and you don't have problems, it can be left there. You don't want this any higher than needed, and where possible solve the problem with adding dual band repeaters or filtering noisy devices.  Sometimes you can't do that. I've had to set it as high as 3 for problem devices that occasionally don't respond. The down side is that each retry adds ~1 second of response time to pressing the switch when the additional retry is needed. It also creates additional insteon traffic

    Note multi controller devices like keypads will have up to 8 drop downs, one for each controller. Set only the ones that need additional retries.
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