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Restore plugins


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A few months ago I set up family sharing. This translated to using old Apple ID (one where I purchased MobiLinc plugins) as the master and then establishing an Apple ID for me and my wife to under that master id.
Just realized that neither of us have access to the plugins I purchased. How do we get restore them?

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Hi [mention=583]hart2hart[/mention]
Plug-ins are tied to the AppleID used to purchase them. To restore, in the iOS Settings app, log into your iTunes account that was used to purchase the plug-ins initially. Open MobiLinc and go to Settings->Plug-ins and tap "Restore."

Thanks. Nothing happens when I do this.
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Hi @hart2hart

If you are certain you are logged into the iTunes App Store with the same iTunes account that was used to purchase MobiLinc and the plug-ins, yet Restoring doesn't work, then I have to suggest that you reach out to iTunes support for help as the issue is somewhere with your iTunes account and your iOS device. Behind the scenes, MobiLinc simply looks at the app receipt data sent by Apple to show/enable plug-ins you've purchased on your iTunes account. If MobiLinc doesn't think that you have purchased plug-ins then the App Store is sending a receipt with zero plug-ins purchased.

One other thing you can try is to delete MobiLinc, log out of iTunes/App Store, reboot your iOS device, sign back into the App Store and download MobiLinc again. That may kick the app receipt back into alignment from Apple.


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